
Saturday, January 20, 2007

Mediocrity Continues

This has to be a quick and short one as the Pundit is not feeling well. Been fighting a stomach virus the last three or four days and the way they are playing the Rangers must be suffering the same. During the third period my wife asked how is it going and when I told her we were losing she said, "So what else is new." She is right, nothing is new. Renney only has a few chips to play. Pock plays, Kaspy sits. Jason Ward plays, Hall sits. Cullen is no longer the second line center, Krog is. Later in the game Cullen is back at second line center, Krog disappears. Either way Shanahan suffers.

The prophet Renney preaches we have to shoot the puck more and while Jagr picks it up Straka and Nylander continue to do pirouettes. We have played 47 games and Renney is preaching the same story about getting pucks on the net but Straka and Nylander continue with their figure eights. Will they pay the bench price? Nah. We just signed Straka for next year and Nylander is not far behind. Meanwhile, Renney contemplates no new changes in this team. He has confidence in them.

He has confidence in a team that gave up the puck 14 times to only two for Atlanta. He has confidence in Marek Malik, on the number one defensive pairing, who gave up the puck three times. The Jagr, Straka, Nylander trio gave up the puck six times, perhaps one tic-tac-toe too many. But only Pock from the young Hartford group can get ice time, at the expense of Kaspy, while Malik, Rachunek and Aaron Ward give their best impersonations of the Three Stooges On Ice.

There is no number two center on the team, there hasn't been one all year, but there is no room for Immonen or Dubinsky. Maybe we should send Shanahan to Hartford so that the "Drain Trust" of Flim Flam Sather and Don Baloney can see that it does work. We can't get any scoring but Petr Prucha plays less than ten minutes on the fourth line and Dawes and Callahan can't get any ice time on Tom Renney's Ice Follies. And Marcel Hossa continues to get important ice time and does nothing. I don't believe he is Marian's natural brother, I think he was adopted.

The game? There was one real goal and that was Jagr's game tying goal. Kovalchuk put in the first goal that Lundqvist let the rebound get away from him and tucked it in with his stick. Niclas Havelid skated in untouched as Marvelous Malik lost his stick behind the net and somehow Havelid stuffed it through Lundqvist. It was his second of the season. Remember Lukawich's second of the season in the Devil game. Then Lundqvist stops Marian Hossa on a penalty shot.
Go figure.

I'm going on too long. Bottom line. Sather and Baloney are idiots. Renney is incompetent and the Rangers will not make the playoffs without at least two major changes, one on defense and one up front.


  1. Anonymous10:52 PM

    So Shanny is named east all star captain. Shouldn't he be the captain on the Rangers?

    And with him running cold now the team has little going for it.

  2. anonymous-Of course he should. Been to the games? Who do you find that is always talking to the refs. The team is collapsing, 11 losses in last 16, and Renney can't stop it.

  3. Anonymous2:35 PM

    So we're loading the team with "Krog-la-dites," which rhymes with "light" and "no fight." It's all just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. The good ship The SS NY Rangers has hit an ice berg. Glen "Slats' Sather will grab a child and get to the life boat first. Renney looks like he will be playing his same old waltz as the ship goes under. The rest of us will watch as someone comes along and pulls the frozen stiffs out of the water. It was sad when I saw it the first time. I don't like the sequel.

  4. walker texas ranger-I think we saw the sequel at the tail end of last year. This is part III. It will be like the Rocky movies.

  5. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Is there any way that we can recall Renney and Sather, ala what California did to their last governor?

  6. kaspar-Maybe we should block Renney from returning from Hartford. Maybe we can boo them all out of the Garden.
