
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Summer Doldrums

arghFrank Sinatra had a great hit called "The Summer Winds". Too bad he didn't write one about the "Summer Doldrums". For hockey fans this time of the year is the pits. Even my computer is acting up and I am having trouble getting into my own blog. My kids keep telling me that my computer is too old. Hell, I'm old, so my man, JB, keeps me limping along. That is the computer, not me.

So Glen Sather has signed another goalie, a 24 year old named Matt Zaba, from Colorado College. Wow! However no word on the signing, or not, of Michael Peca. This one is taking forever. They choose Popes quicker than this. What's the story? It should be easy. Do we or don't we want this guy? I think he would be a plus riding shotgun between Prucha and Callahan. Sather is bouncing around out in Western Canada and California. Isn't it great having a commuter GM?

Sam PollackBelated condolences to the family of Sam Pollack who passed away last week. Pollack was voted into the NHL Hall Of Fame as a GM in 1978. What a record. He was the GM of the Montreal Canadiens from 1964-1977 when the Canadiens won nine Stanley Cups. He was responsible for bringing players to Montreal like Ken Dryden, Guy Lafleur, Frank Mahovlich, Steve Shutt and many others. He was without a doubt the greatest GM ever in the NHL. If they ever decide to award GM's, they should name it the Sam Pollack Trophy. Sam Pollack, God bless and R.I.P.

What is it, three or so weeks to training camp and not a moment too soon? Don't know about you but I am getting awfly tired about hearing whether the Yankees should give A-Rod $30 million to re-sign. Thirty million! Thirty million and in his 13 year career he hasn't won a thing. In 13 years Phil Rizzuto won 7 World Series and in the same time frames Joe DiMaggio won 9 World Series. Joe D never made more than $100 k and Phil more than $30 k, but the great A-Rod wants $30 million. How about those apples folks? I told you the summer doldrums are killing me.

But we are getting ready for our vacation trip to Europe. We will be spending time in Italy, France, Malta, Greece, Croatia and Montenegro. We will be spending our 50th wedding anniversary in beautiful Sorrento and hope to meet up with some cousins to celebrate the trip. No, I will not break out to sing that great Italian love song, "Come Back To Sorrento" as it surely will lead to deportation back to the states. We will leave the middle of September. More on this later.


  1. Hey Mike, I second your post, it is slow in hockeyville this month. Haven't you heard? Messier is now the Rangers new General Manager, Phoenix won the Stanley Cup, and the Brooklyn Rangers continue to get bumped by the Kansas City Predators first round during the playoffs. And STILL, Mike Peca hasn't made a decision.

    Oy. Enough already.


  2. Anonymous4:07 PM

    tdr-Peca signed with Columbus and Sather was voted man of the year by Playboy Magazine.

  3. Hey man,

    Sorry to leave a comment about this in here, but we could not find your email.

    Anyway we are having fellow bloggers do some previews of their team.

    Would you be interested in doing a preview of the Rangers?

    Let us know.
    Our email is

    Let us know.
    And keep up the solid work

  4. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Hi Mike... would you be interested in being one of the featured NY Rangers bloggers for NY Hockey Talk? I'm hosting the show, and trying to involve bloggers from the NY area teams on the show. Visit my site at, and send me a message if you think you might be interested.. Thanks!
