
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Sub Zero Performance

Big things were expected from the Rangers this year, and why not. They made a fairly decent run in the playoffs last year. They acquired two great offensive players like Chris Drury and Scotty Gomez. Shanahan would return after his concussion better than ever. We would have Avery, Mara, Girardi and Callahan at the beginning of the season. Jagr and Lundqvist would both be 100% healthwise and both have the year of their careers. It was all sewed up. What went wrong?

Henrick Lundqvist is the only one living up to expectations and fulfilling his part of the bargain. Jagr, Shanahan, Drury and Gomez are all off to the worst starts of their careers. Avery separated a shoulder and wont be back for at least another two weeks and with the exception of Dan Girardi, last years rookies are treated like this years rookies, getting limited ice time.

Last night the Rangers accomplished something that they never accomplished in their 81 year existence. They lost 1-0 for the second successive night. No goals in 125 minutes plus 3 shootout shots. Never before has a Ranger team performed so ineptly. So we will always have 2007 as a year to remember depending on how this season ends.

But wait. This record may not be over yet, for tomorrow night the Rangers face their nemesis of all nemesis, Martin Brodeur. In the last three games we have made three struggling, journeymen goalies like Hedberg, Fernandez and Fleurry look like the second coming of Kenny Dryden. What is a Hall Of Famer like Brodeur going to do? Maybe he will bring out the best in us and we can explode for a 2-1 win.

The drive by media makes much of the fact that the Rangers outshot the Pens. Heck, we outshoot all the teams. Have you been witnessing the shots we take? Our best shots go wide or hit posts and crossbars. Last nights 36 shots were about as feeble a shot attack I've seen in years. My grandson, Nicholas, and his teammates, the Mako's, put harder shots on the opposing goalie. Are you bored with the Rangers? Saturday morning at 11:00 AM go to the Rinx in Hauppage, LI, NY and watch the Makos play. Last week they lost to the Shark Fins, 3-2. The previous week they beat the Dolphins, 3-2. As you can tell this is a fishy league. Both games went down to the wire and in both games they were almost tied at the end.

Right now the Rangers are the worst team in the NHL. You say that Atlanta has one less point then us. Well Atlanta beat our butts good which makes us the worst team in the NHL. I have a suggestion for those of you who enjoy the chant. _ _ sucks. I don't. Lets have a new chant. Its simple. Lets all chant, "Play The Kids", "Play The Kids", "Play The Kids".


Some photos of me at NY Hockey Talk this last Sunday with Rob Kowal. Thanks Rob!

Mike Savino, The Ranger Pundit and Rob Kowal, NY Hockey Talk
Mike Savino, The Ranger Pundit
The interview (.mp3)


  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Brad Park was a better player, but many young ones never saw him. He was also a strong team leader.

    ps-Nice mugshots.

  2. roper-Thats why I continue to bring up a lot of these oldies, they are a big part of the team tradition. Thanks.
