
Thursday, November 08, 2007

Night Of Firsts

There were a lot of firsts tonight at the Garden. Brandon Dubinsky scored his first NHL goal. Sean Avery scored his first goal of the season. Nigel Dawes got his first assist of the season. The Rangers scored their most goals since opening night. Henrik Lundqvist was not named one of the stars of the game and I missed my first home game this year. You pick what was the key moment. My sons will tell you it was the last one.

My biggest enjoyment tonight was watching the continued development of the young guys. Dubinsky, Dawes, Staal and Girardi. Staal is playing like a veteran on the first pairing with Rozsival and got over twenty minutes of ice time tonight. Dubinsky is absolutely fearless and moves the puck quite well. While he started as the center for Jagr and Hossa he scored his goal on a three on two rush with Prucha and Dawes. Dawes fed him beautifully. He did take a dumb penalty after his goal which led to a Penguin power play goal but hey, that's youth for you.

The three stars was number uno, Sean Avery with a goal and an assist and numerous agitations. Number two was Scott Gomez, who played his best game of the year, converting Avery's shot off the boards for his fourth goal and a great feed to Rozsival for a power play goal. Number three went to Dubinsky. Lundqvist was not idle making 26 saves, quite a few in the third period when Pittsburgh opened it up. The Rangers put 39 shots on goal. The power play clicked for 2-8 and the PK's held the Pens to 1-7.

Now its time for another first. The Rangers take to a four game road trip starting in Toronto, then to New Jersey, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh before coming home to play the Islanders. They are 8-2 at home and 0-5-1 on the road. Time to turn this around. Is it time for Steve Valiquette to make his first start of the year? I think so.


  1. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Pundit, did you miss the game as a result of the LIRR accident or some other reason? The young players are looking better and better with each game and it was great to see Dubinsky's hard work finally rewarded with a goal. Gomez was great at both ends of the ice. Now if this team can just play the same way on the road, they can start to put together a consistent run of good play and pile up the wins and points.

  2. section 423-Had a bad head cold. Love to see these young guys skate. Gomez looked annoyed during his interview with John Gianone.

  3. Anonymous10:21 PM

    My Top 10 Garden Annoyances

    I'm a 10-year season ticket holder. Do any of these things bother anyone else:
    #10. That stupid message "Make Some Noise" that management feels is required. Thanks Glenn, but we're not in Edmonton anymore.
    #9. Not acknowledging a great effort by an opposing player by always giving the 3 stars to Rangers when we win.
    #8. Constant music during stoppages. Boy do I miss the good old days of Eddie Layton!
    #7. Dumb between-period on-ice promotions. Management has turned MSG into a minor league baseball park.
    #6. Drunks. In business suits.
    #5. Paid attendance. When was the last time there really was 18,200 in the building?
    #4. Goofing on Dancing Larry. The guy's into it and the kids (including mine) love him. (But what does he actually do to pay for his seats?)
    #3. John Amarante waving his hand to have the fans cheer while he's singing. Hey John, you take care of the singing, and we'll take care of the noise!
    #2. Players who start skating around before the National Anthem is completed.

    And the #1 thing that annoys me at Ranger games: The Potvin Sucks chant. God, can you clowns move on?! I mean 4 Stanley Cups and the Hall of Fame.

    What say you, Pundit?!

  4. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Potvin does suck. It was a cheap hit on Ulf Nilson and I will never forget it. And, the press tries to make it a clean play now to boost his image. Sorry, I wont play that game. However, I rather limit it to Isles games.

  5. down by the seaside-As usual you are right on target. However, you forgot one. The jerks who scream, "Let's Go Rangers" in the middle of the National Anthem.

  6. section 335-I don't want to play that game either. It was a cheap shot. But when there is less than a minute to play and the Rangers are pressing for a goal and some jerk starts the whistle, where does that chant belong?

  7. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Mike, it doesnt.

  8. section 335-Thank you.
