
Thursday, December 20, 2007


Rangers were Toasted!
For a while tonight I thought that I was watching Wayne Gretzky in the old WHL or was it Mario Lemieux against the Rangers in 1993 with five goals? I witnessed that game and the performance was so bad that Ranger fans were chanting, "We Suck." Tonight not only were the Rangers bad, the refs were bad. We picked up two unsportsmanlike penalties on plays where the Wild should have been penalized.

The first one was Burns elbowing Prucha. No call on Burns, but Rangers get two minutes for yapping too much. Second one was a blatant crosscheck on Drury, no penalty on the Wild, but the Rangers get two minutes for yapping again. Two dangerous hits that should have been penalties and weren't called, but let a hand touch a body or a stick near the waist and the whistle blows. Both calls led to Wild PP goals as the Rangers gave up three PP goals.

In case you haven't heard Marian Gaborik scored five goals tonight. Two were goals that he hit out of mid air. One goal he waltzed through the Rangers without anyone even looking at him. One goal was a give away and he skated in all alone on Lundqvist. Another goal he put in his own rebound in front of Lundqvist. No one laid a hand on him all game. It was like he had leprosy and if you touched him you got it too. However, Prucha continues to get hammered, but no retaliation by the Rangers. Strudwick tried by exchanging blows with Voros, but no one went after Burns after the hit on Prucha. Prucha gets hammered every night, but we never retaliate. In the old days we sent the enforcer out to get the culprit. Do the Rangers have an enforcer?

I was puzzled by the comments of Shanahan and Lundqvist after the game implying that the Rangers didn't play that bad a game and it was a contest five on five. Huh? Did they miss Jagr giving up the puck meekly leading to the Wild's first score? Did they miss Girardi and Tyutin getting toasted regularly by the Wild's forwards? Did they miss Drury making an ill advised cross ice pass that was picked off by Gaborik? Did they miss the fact that Lundqvist stopped only twelve shots out of eighteen? How could you have played a good game when the other team has a guy who scores five goals against you in one night?

So tomorrow we go to Colorado who is 13-3 at home and they love to come after you so prepare for another rough night. However, tomorrow is a big day for me and I will not let the Rangers ruin it.


  1. Anonymous2:49 AM

    "holly shnikes" as chris farley put it before he pased..does ANYONE know how to hit on that team??!?! i just saw a game that had only 5 guys in green and red shirts on the ice..the others??? they couldnt be bothered with the exception of prucha who once again got smashed all over the place and when a guy scores 3 you pay attention to him..instead they give him the puck some more..i dont know what its gonna take to get this team to play tougher and act as a team all i know is that time is gonna come before fans on both sides of the garden revolt against dolan to sell the team to people who care about the knicks and rangers instead of just filling up box seats for rich folks...yes im a ny fan and yes i EXPECT my teams to be winners!

    thanks rp,


  2. Anonymous10:06 AM

    The Garden has become the Dolan Family Follies.

  3. blueknight5754-Most of them are just going through the motions and living on their reputations which are starting to vanish. They have to change their style of play but coach clueless doesn't know how to do that. Before they become winners they have to learn how to play hard.

  4. don e, brook-Coach clueless, the Stealth GM and the absentee owner, what a trio. The Three Stooges of hockey.

  5. Anonymous2:18 PM

    ESPN has great features for post-game analysis. If you look at the missed shot category, Jagr has two. He did not even have a shot on net! He is so bad now he cannot even hit the damn post. If you look at the shot distribution, the Rangers too over half of their shots from long range. That adds to the shot total, but not to the goals scored. If you look at where the shots that beat the Price came from, they were all center ice. No one should be allowed to shoot from there and not pay a steep price. The Rangers are simply too soft.

  6. section 335-Jagr also gives up the puck too easily by refusing to shoot the puck into the zone.Soft? Pablum is tougher than the Rangers.

  7. The GREAT news for all Rangers fans is that we've had zero days of practice between games.

    This should give us an advantage.


  8. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Brent Burns hit on Prucha was not an elbow. It was a clean hit, and it's ridiculous that you'd think otherwise. Then after he put your precious Prucha on his behind, he was run by another member of the Red, white and blue, and he was thusly put on his behind.

    Maybe instead of crying about bad calls you should encourage your boys to hit somebody.

    Now that we've addressed the negative. We saw a great hockey game last night. Gaborik had a great night. The score got out of hand, but both of these teams plays a good puck control game that's exciting to watch. I'm excited for next year when the schedule gets worked out, and we play every year.

  9. the dark ranger-You broke the code!

  10. pharoah91-And the crosscheck on Drury was legal. Yeah, we whine all the time, secretly we are known as the New York Winers. They did hit.They hit the road on their way to Colorado.

  11. Anonymous5:30 PM

    How about Gabby getting slashed and punched towards the end of the game. The refs don't see everything, and you're being a little sensitive.

    Like I said... it was a good game.

  12. pharoah91-Want to keep going? Did you see that stick in Rozsival's head at the end of the game? Must be the ref who got Rozy and Gabby. Me sensitive? Nah! Its too many years watching the hitless wonders. It was a good game, for the Wild. Merry Christmas.
