
Sunday, December 24, 2006

Twas The Night Before (A Ranger) Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through Ranger Land
The Blue Seats were rocking to the beat of the band:
The banners were hung on the rafters with care,
With the hope that the Stanley Cup soon will be there:

The owners were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of profits danced in their heads:
And Dolan with his spread sheet and Sather with his roster,
Had just settled down for a game of canasta,

When up in the Luxury Suites there arose such a clatter,
Don Maloney went up to see what was the matter,
Away from the bench Renney flew like a flash,
To join Rod Gilbert in his holiday bash.

The TV cameras were tapping the spree,
When along came Sam Rosen and JoeM Micheletti,
And what to their wondering eyes would be next,
But Jaromir Jagr and his cohorts, the Czechs,

With a little old driver who came to the haven,
They all knew it was Stan Fischler, The Maven.
More rapid than eagles his players they came,
And he stammered and shouted and called them by name.

Now, Hollweg! now, Ortmeyer! now Ward and Prucha!
On, Nylander! on, Rachunek on, Shanahan and Straka!
To the top of the Garden they dared not tarry!
For they did not want to miss Dancing Larry!

And then they heard the crowd a rootin,
As along came Kasparaitis and Fedor Tyutin,
As they cheered aloud and were turning around,
From the ceiling came Mark Messier with a bound.

And his ex-mates, Mike Richter and Adam Graves,
He knew it would be tough not to behave.
And the newcomers looked on them in awe!
Betts and Pock and Nigel Dawes,

They all knew this old team played for keeps,
As in came Cullen, Rozsival and Kevin Weekes!
This was the group that they would get the most of,
They were joined by Orr, Hall, Aaron Ward and Hossa

But they all knew this would be no cinch,
Even though they had Lundqvist, The Prince.
So they all stayed with the holiday tradition,
Knowing that they had Malik the Magician.

They spoke not a word, they knew of the dangers,
As the crowd chanted, "Let's Go Rangers."

And they cheered and they yelled as they were getting a little tight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night."

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