
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Buffalo Shuffle

So you thought that Shanahan fanned on the shot that Avery eventually scored on. Naw. That was a set play, where Shanny primes the pump is ready to unload, and when all the Sabres clog the front of the net he passes to Avery, who puts it past an out of position Ryan Miller for the game winner. Somehow Miller seems to play his worst hockey against the Rangers. The Sabres are 10-2-2 in there last fourteen and both losses are against the Rangers.

Avery, since taking the Greta Garbo "I want to be alone" stance has now scored five goals in five games. The Stealth GM has to sign "The Detriment," trading him is not an option. The Rangers cannot win without Sean Avery in the lineup. Go look up the record. Coach clueless in his press conference downplayed Avery's goal and contribution, lumping him in with the entire team's performance.

Speaking of performance, Dubinsky continues to shine. The top line is now a top line and this is due more to the work ethic of Dubinsky and Avery than it is to the stardom of Jaromir Jagr. Jagr being out of the lineup for the rest of the season will not hurt the Rangers that much, but losing Avery or Dubinsky would be a disaster. While Lundqvist made a big save on Vanek breaking in all alone it still doesn't look like his "A" game is back.

Want a good read this Sunday morning? Read Larry Brooks Slap Shots column in the New York Post. There is a big article on the Islanders, low talent, big work ethic and high over achievement. I found it interesting that it appeared under the Ranger game story. You don't have to be an English Major to read between the lines on the comparison of the two teams. Right now the Rangers are three points ahead of the Islanders. How far would they be ahead if they swapped coaches and Nolan was running the Rangers and coach clueless was coaching the Islanders? How long would Charles Wang tolerate coach clueless? None of this is in the article, it is my dreaming. Read the article. It tells quite a story and to me is an indictment of the Ranger performance and management.

ICINGS: There was a tune "Shuffle Off To Buffalo" written in 1932. That's even before my time.


  1. Anonymous8:20 AM

    A thought or two.

    Brooks was in an amazing mood when he wrote that article. Great read. Good points made too.

    I use to worry when we were up by two goals, now I worry at five.

    Amazingly, if you finish in sixth you play the third place (and weakest) playoff team. Obviously, that is why Renny had the team playing badly till recently.

  2. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Great point about playing for 6th place. That might be the perfect sweet spot in the playoff seedings.

    So Renny does have a master plan after all - play well, but not too well. The man is a genius (just kidding). Just look at the Giants, go in as a 6th seed and win it all. Six may be NY's lucky number this year.

  3. section335 and Wes-Hey, that could be the new promotional slogan. Come see the Rangers, they are sixth in the league and will do everything they can to stay there.
