
Friday, February 08, 2008

Western Patsies

I did something last night that I have never done since I first went to a Ranger game back in 1943. I walked out after the last Ducks' goal and went home leaving my son to endure another loss to another Western Conference team (0-7-2). It was the same old samo. We out shoot the other team, 33-19, but they outscore us, 4-1. What also was the same was the way coach clueless allocated ice time. Jagr (22:11), Straka (21:47), and Gomez (24:15) ate up most of the time, but got a collective ten shots on goal, all of which could have been stopped by the Makos(peewee) goalie. In contrast Prucha got all of 12:29 with no power play time, Dubinsky got 12:14 with 3:13 of PP time, Callahan, who scored the only goal, got 12:48 with :52 of PP time, and Dawes got a whopping 17:09 with 3:23 of PP time. Somehow Sean Avery got only 11:35 of ice time, 18 seconds of PP time. See what happens when you fight the coach's pet in practice.

They say that Congress is going to outlaw water boarding as a means of torture. I have two possible replacements. The first one would be watching the Rangers number one line of Gomez, Straka and Jagr and the second would be watching the Ranger power play which also includes the line of Gomez, Straka and Jagr. The Rangers were 0-4 on the power play. The Ducks were 1-2 breaking a 1-27 slump. The Rangers lead the league in helping other teams break their scoring slumps.

At the beginning of the season I said that if the Rangers were to be successful they would need big years from three players who I felt were the keys to the season. They were Avery, Jagr, and Lundqvist. Avery has lost his fire, Jagr has lost his pop, and Lundqvist has lost his magic. Is it coincidental that all three may be gone next year?


  1. This team is driving me insane. I actually left after the fourth goal too-something I never do, but I just don't understand the coaching approach. The third line actually had some life (at times) and get little ice time. I love the hustle and grit of the 4th line, but pleaaaaaase could they come up with at least one or two real scoring chances? I know they are out there for defense, but they are zero threat to score....and the power play....and Mara...and on and on and on....

  2. jf1066-Its a continuing litany, isn't it? What coach gives double the ice time to the non producers over the young producing legs. Only one. Coach clueless.

  3. Anonymous7:36 PM

    *scratching head*

    I don't get it. I really don't. I'm at a total loss for words.

  4. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Looks like expectations were set way too high this year. Jagr opened his big, fat mouth saying it would be his best season yet. The guy is perfectly healthy and yet he can not dominate like a year ago or two. When has his game been so predictable? Always waiting to get the puck on the right wing boards. Everyone and their mother knows where he is and that everyone on this line is trying to get the puck to. That was not the game plan the last 2 years, it was give and go, cycling, drop passes, constant movement. This team put too much around one player who is now not producing and everyone seems to suffer in this domino effect. Time to think of the future instead of the players feelings who refuse to step up and won't be around next season.

  5. "the coach's pet" me in stitches, Mike. Couldn't agree with you more on your post, including your later post of walking out of the game. if i didn't have an out-of-town guest, I would have followed.

    off to the philly game with rival friend fans at the Wachovia. I cannot imagine what to expect, and I'm already making excuses for their play pre-game. i actually used the "in a couple of years, our rookies are re-building...." talk. Horrifying considering the talent.

    Wish us luck...

  6. kaspar fan-I think we are all stumped.

  7. needanother messiah-What we need is a coach who has to realize that it is time to pass the torch and responsibilities to the young legs.

  8. the dark ranger-You were the man today. Wish I was there alongside you, it must have been a blast.
