
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Riot in Montreal after first round victory?

One of the Four Habs Fans rants about the craziness in Montreal:
Look, I enjoy a good riot as much as the next guy. I've been there. But after a Round 1 win? Are you ******* kidding me? The fine people at Reebok and Foot Locker (TMS wears a size 9, thanks!) did not deserve to have their stores smashed and looted. The Montreal police did not deserve to have their cars burnt like in the video above. And the happy Montrealers who just happened to have parked downtown last night certainly did not deserve what they got.

Now I'm sure it was not a majority of celebrators who did nasty things. It was undoubtedly a small group of people who were hell-bent on destruction probably no matter what happened at the game. But the "one bad apple spoils the bunch" axiom is staring us in the face here. We'll have to watch our step walking downtown this morning because of all the broken glass on the streets thanks to those bad apple ********.

Montreal is the greatest city in the world. I'm proud to call this city my home for nearly 40 years. But now we look like idiots to everyone else. So this morning, I am no longer proud. I'm just ******* embarassed...
Now for some good.

Here's one play by Alex Kovalev that got Habs fans stirred up even during a loss. It happened during Thursday's 5-1 pummeling by Boston. Theory of Ice:
Even bad games have their good points, especially in Montreal. Alex Kovalev takes one great shift, and simultaneously takes several million Habs fans- for one moment- back in time. Now we know why he doesn’t cut his hair...
As Section 335 pointed out if the Caps now win - Rangers play Montreal, if Flyers win NY plays Pittsburg.

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