
Friday, June 20, 2008

The Evil Of Two Lessers

The Evil Of Two Lessers: James Dolan and Gary Bettman
'Down By The Seaside' is concerned that The Pundit has not commented on the Cat Fight between the NHL and Commissar Gary Bettman and The New York Rangers and their absentee owner. The NHL wants to control every aspect of marketing and the Rangers want to control their own marketing and destiny. It's the big federal government versus the states rights, and in this case its an overreaching NHL against a storied franchise that once again is being mismanaged. It's the large conglomerate with the controlling dictator, Bettman, against the large conglomerate with the controlling dictator, Dolan. Hey, did I repeat myself? How can I get excited by this spat. I can't stand both groups. This is Stalinist Russia against Hitler's Germany.

We all know how Bettman has controlled the NHL. Dolan ranks second to none when it comes to controlling. Besides the Rangers, there are the hapless Knicks, the Liberty plus theaters like Radio City and the Beacon, among others. His dad, Charles Dolan, is head of Cablevision, which includes cable TV, the Internet and phone service. So this is no David that the NHL is up against, this is a giant that will put up one hell of a fight. One wonders why it is even in the courts. Why air out the league's dirty linen? Maybe the NHL figures it will get some publicity out of this. Whether its good or bad at least the NHL is in the news. In case you are interested, the draft is being aired on Versus.

However, the action by the NHL is a continuation of its often hostile behavior toward the Broadway franchise. What other team in the league was responsible for a new rule in the books coming during the playoffs of all things. Have you forgotten the Avery Rule? Chances are that no matter how this ends the animosity of the league and Bettman will continue against the Rangers and Dolan. You have to wonder that on the eve of the draft the NHL is imploding. I'm no Dolan fan but I'm even less of a fan of Bettman. OK kiddies, go at it.

Fox Sports:
NHL wants to be rid of Rangers' owners -- The NHL wants to put Jim Dolan on ice.

The Cablevision boss could lose ownership of the Rangers after accusing league officials of violating antitrust laws in a federal lawsuit, NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman warned yesterday...

The Dark Ranger:
The Bettman Cartel -- It seems like this is just further evidence of a Bettman cartel in the NHL where Bettman will do everything he can to get pro-Bettman owners in the league (see Williams ”Boots” Del Baggio) and do everything possible to keep independent minded owners out of the league (see Jim Balsillie). With this action the NHL is trying to send a statement to all other owners in the NHL: “Do what we want or you’ll be gone”. I am no lawyer but it seems to me that this must break some sort of anti-trust laws...

CBS Sports:
Who cares who's right? Let's see Bettman, Dolans drop gloves -- mind you, but because the NHL hates the Rangers. And the Rangers hate the NHL. And the two sides are going to court to prove it...

NHL Threatens to Oust Rangers' Owners Over Lawsuit

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