
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Offensively Offensive

The Rangers who did not have one player who scored more than 25 goals last year have continued their offensive ineptness through the first four exhibition games where so far they have scored two goals per game. I know it's preseason and they want to check everyone out but the signs are there. We keep outshooting the other teams on most nights but we can't light the lamp. The big guns, are all zippo so far.

Last year the top five goal scorers were, Jagr (25), Drury (25), Shanahan (23), Gomez (16) and Avery, in only 57 games, (15). Three of those players are gone though the possibility of Shanahan returning remains, though slim. The Rangers are counting on Gomez, Drury, Naslund and Nikolai Zherdev, with help from Dawes, Dubinsky and Prucha to pick up the slack and generate some offense. With the exception of Dubinsky, who has two goals, all in one game, these guys have not produced.

The goal scorers besides Dubinsky have been Nedved (2), Sjostrom, Korpikoski, Fahey and Girardi. Nedved is 2-1-3 and that in itself is going to create a problem for clueless and his staff. Nedved is playing like he should make the team. He has been the best forward on the ice in the preseason. Nedved makes the team and some young guy goes back to Hartford. So much for getting younger but if none of the big guys start producing whats the alternative. No wonder the Mats Sundin rumors are alive and well. Someone will have to score.

I didn't catch the whole game but I did see Clarkson having a field day roughing Mara and yakking with clueless. Yakking with the opposition coach should get the team going after the culprit but there was no such action. Where was Colton Orr? Why wasn't he sent out to quiet the bum? Oh, I forgot. This is the new NHL and we don't do those things anymore. We settle everything with discussions. Besides, I keep hearing how Orr is slimmed down and went for private tutoring on his skating and he skates so well now. Good. Put him on the first line and make Naslund the enforcer. So we are not scoring, and we are not tough and it looks like nothing has changed. Thank God for The Prince, Henrik Lundquist. It's too early to get excited.


  1. Anonymous4:24 PM

    The Rangers are all sound and fury and fancy stickwork. They don't have an in your face guy, like Avery anymore. Redden is a Malik-the-younger from from 2 years ago. This team won't stack up to last year in my opinion.

  2. Anonymous5:35 PM


    As you know, I agree. We are trying to become the 1999-2000 Devils.

  3. blue seater-Your opinion is right on target.

  4. section335-Sad isn't it?

  5. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Two goals again tonight. But they say the "offense will come." Sam and Joe like what they see. But getting last year's 2.6 goals per game seems like a mountain this young team can't climb. Unless someone catches fire. How many guys do you think will have career years? One or two? They probably will need four or five to do that.

  6. wes-Look for Shanahan to come back and look to make a play for Sundin.
