
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Two-fers Won't Do It!

For the sixth consecutive game the Rangers scored two goals and lost for the fifth time. So much for the new high powered, high intensity, go to the net offense. In fact, looking at the Rangers, which I have to admit I haven't that much for a variety of reasons, it looks like coach clueless and his staff have their "not playing defense is not an option" mantra solidly implanted in the minds and bodies of this bland, Jagr-less, Avery-less, Shanahan-less team. But it is only the exhibition schedule of which remains two more games in Switzerland.

I missed today's game because I was watching my grandson Nicholas and his team, the Piranhas, play their first game of the season which they won by a 3-2 score and Nicholas, playing defense, was a +3. You have to admit, that is a helluva of lot better than watching these particular Rangers. After the Ranger game, an obviously tense coach clueless proclaimed that the Rangers were going to the Czech Republic to get four points. Hopefully he knows something I don't know. If they do not garner at least two of those points the coaching staff will become more tense for the home opener.

The stories that Shanahan is working out on his own on the Ranger practice ice and that Sundin has still not signed have lent an air of credibility to the rumors that both will be inked by the Stealth GM. Why not? It will destroy any pretense of getting young but will bring to reality the fact that this team, as constructed, is offensively inept. But it is only the exhibition schedule of which remains two more games in Switzerland.

Of course the Stealth and his cluelessness could throw a monkey wrench into the procedures and maybe dangle a Rozsival, a young goalie prospect and one of their young prized forwards (Prucha) to Minnesota for Marion Gaborik. I can dream can't I? Anyway, on to Europe with a lot of holes and a lot of questions. The good news is that Naslund and Zherdev were the goal scorers. Maybe, they will step it up starting in Europe. Maybe Gomez and Drury will mesh with each other. Maybe the power play will start to work. Maybe, maybe, maybe. But it is only the exhibition season of which remains two more games in Switzerland.


Andrew Gross highlights the lack of answers - Maybe it's not so clear:
Those new line combinations that Rangers coach Tom Renney thought looked so good on paper didn't do so well on the ice in today's 4-2 loss to the Devils. So now Renney admitted he might go back to the drawing board, or back to his original line combinations from training camp, or perhaps something in between....
Sam Weinman echos the theme of confusion that prevails - On the other hand:
Don’t get used to those line combinations just yet. Tom Renney acknowledged just now that he’s contemplating going back to the combinations he had for the most of the preseason.

“There might be more continuity based on that,” Renney said. The coach sounds like he’s confused. At least he has company...
And voices some concerns - ... another programming note:
Raise your hand if you’re concerned about the Rangers start to this preseason. Yup, just like I figured. Pretty much everyone...there was a healthy amount of skepticism surrounding this team even before it touched the ice surface. Six preseason games later, those concerns have only been validated...
Closing with a "Looking for Mr Good Offense" dispatch from rumor central by Doug Fischer at Blue Shirts on Broadway:
In addition to more than boring preseason games, there has been a lot going on with the Blueshirts…

For those who don’t know, apparently the Rangers have been shopping Scott Gomez in order to clear up cap space to get Mats Sundin. This is all speculation as of now, but I have heard 3 proposed deals where we would give Gomez to Vancouver for the Sedin twins, Minnesota for Marian Gaborik or Gomez and Petr Prucha to LA for Anze Kopitar and Patrick Sullivan.

IF Sather is to make one of these deals, 2 of them would make sense, those being Vancouver or Minnesota. The Sedin’s are both very good players and they could instantly mesh with their other linemate from a year ago, Markus Naslund. The other trade would be Minnesota because Marian Gaborik is a stud...


  1. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Redden is falling down like he forgot how to skate. Gomez is passing off left and right. Lundqvist had a terrible game, which worries me a lot. The Devils out played and out hit our guys. If I keep hearing this "almost" a good shot or "almost" a great play from the announcers I'm going to get sick. It is going to be a long season unless these highly paid pros get their act together.

  2. Anonymous8:03 PM

    we could have kept malik and saved ourselves a bundle...he can't play like this all season...can he?
    and i cannot be convinced that the rangers are better with someone like Sjostrom in the lineup over Prucha...

  3. Anonymous9:27 PM

    I am not convinced that this team is going to make the playoffs without adding some offense.

  4. Anonymous11:49 PM

    boy that call to korpikoski was HORRIBLE!!! A boarding call in pre season!! DOES THE NHL truly dislike the rangers or what?!!?

  5. ak the 47-And that is all the good news!

  6. anonymous-I can't believe the Rangers are better with someone like Sjostrom in the lineup over anybody!

  7. section 335-But we keep coming back for more punishment, without the offense.

  8. blueknight5754-Bettman always makes sure that the refs are in preseason form, i.e., anti Rangers, during the preseason. Did clueless get excited? I missed it.
