
Saturday, October 11, 2008

New Kids On The Block

It was a feisty game and a noisy opening night and those that were worried about the new guys blending in and contributing have no worries. At least for one night. Against a young and mistake prone Black Hawks the Rangers led by an ever improving and upcoming star Brandon Dubinsky won their third straight game of the year. New additions Wade Redden (2), Nikolai Zherdev (1) and game number one star Aaron Voros (1) all scored as did Dubinsky who was number three star and scored his second of the year. In my eyes, Dubinsky was the star of the game as his presence was felt on every shift. He had a goal, 2 assists, 4 shots and five hits.

Henrik Lundquist turned away 30 of 32 shots and was voted the number two star. The crowd seems disappointed everytime Lundqvist is not named the number one star. The line of Dubinsky-Voros-Zherdev was a revelation getting 7 points and an accumulate plus 6. So a good first night against a Western Conference team which gave us fits last year. So now its six games in ten days against the Flyers, the Devils, the Sabres, the Maple Leafs, the Red Wings and the Dallas Stars who will be in on Tuesday October 20th with our old friend Sean Avery. That should be quite a night. In fact, the ten night stretch should prove quite a bit about these Rangers.

ICINGS: Sign of the economy? I counted at least 8 empty corporate luxury boxes last night plus some empty seats. Petr Prucha was benched last night and seems destined to be somewhere else real soon. Trade him with Rozsival and one of the young goalies to Minnesota for Marion Gaborik. Fahey or Potter, or both, would be excellent replacements for Rozsival.


  1. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Do you think Redden and the Z are going to win the Garden crowd?

  2. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Flyers really were just gathering themselves together tonight, took a while but they eventually did. I really like how the Rangers took advantage of the first period, because they seemed to have lost a step after the first.

    It's hard to blame the team in light of their schedule. They bent but they did not break. So glad we have two very good goaltenders, can you imagine if we had a Huet on a bad night in net, we'd have been pummelled eventually. Way to go Vally.

    I'm just so happy that the Jagr-less team I wanted for so long is showing to be what I knew it would be, qualified with a "so far". I know lots can happen, but we are on the right track. Are there still people who think we can't replace the scoring output of a guy who often prevented us from scoring goals due to his puck hogging?

    One thing I wish we could get our hands on is what I wanted to see us get over the summer -- a big dependable blueliner who likes to hit, obviuosly not a top-tier player (unaffordable even if one existed) just a physical presence. I don't think we will see it, though. Slats should plan to be able to pick one up in the spring, though.

    Lastly, regardless of possible overpayment, IMHO Redden is a very positive addition to NYR.

    Go Rangers!!

  3. I'm warming to Redden based on what I've seen so far. But the constant lobbying for him by Joe Michelett is getting on my nerves.

    Is it possible the Rangers management has specifically told the broadcast staff to pump up the new guys so so they don't end up with any kind of Marek Malik situation?

  4. ice diesel-I think the Z Man is going to be a big hit. When you see Redden think Malik and that will put Redden over the top.

  5. blow-me-down-They stood tall when they had to especially Valley. The big guy is on my Christmas wish list. Every Christmas I wish for a big guy and every year I get coal (clean coal) in my sock.

  6. jb-Straight talk is not a strong suit of the in game announcers and the post game pundits.

  7. Mike,

    FYI, in case you're interested - The "real" New Kids on the Block will be appearing MSG on October 27, 2008.

  8. Anonymous1:53 PM

    hi grandpa. Not just the rangers are undefeated. So is my team, 3-0 !

  9. jb-Sorry old bean, The Rangers are the REAL New Kids On The Block.

  10. anonymous-Sorry for the omission Nicholas. You guys are 3-0 and I believe you are a plus 10 or 11. Good job. Go Piranhas!
