
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Scratching Out a Win

Renney's neutered Renegades ground out a patented run-of-the-mill 3-2 win against a slightly over matched Carolina team. Big deal. There is nothing exceptional going on with the Rangers play to do handsprings over.

The Rangers to a man seem committed to Renney's arduous March of The Penguins to the playoff land. Air Zherdev was backchecking, dumping, and scrumming.

The Renney system is now in full throttle and some fans are dropping off the bandwagon as they fall asleep. No problem, they can be jarred awake, and still run and catch up to this slow moving defensive juggernaut.

Valley was very solid, especially on some deflections, and probably deserved a star, but when the Rangers have a 'breakout game' offensively and get all of three goals, that feat needs to be duly recognized.

The good word in Rangerland is generally muted. No chest thumping just the sound of snoring and stifled yawns.

Rangers Report:
Quiet roll continues --
...for all their shortcomings, the Rangers have quietly rattled off five of six, and allowed just eight goals along the way. It might not be hockey that inspires. But as I’ve said before, it’s hard to poke holes in it when it seems to work...
Rangers win without wowing --
When hockey observers talk about the elite teams in the NHL, they generally don't mention the Rangers. To be honest, they are not the type of club that takes your breath away. They are not very flamboyant, witnessed again by a 3-2 win over the Hurricanes...
Hockey Rodent:
It's getting to be like pulling teeth [to enjoy a Rangers game]. The W-L record almost doesn't matter any more. I'm having a difficult time psyching up for each telecast - getting more and more tempted each night to DVR the experience so I can fast-forward through it... or simply skip the live broadcast and wait for Rangers in 60 to delegate to MSG Network the burden of selecting the most interesting stuff choosing the least mundane stretches to watch...
Scotty Hockey did find some rays of sunshine, but the bar has been set pretty low. Don't expect "goals and big saves or hits" in Renneyville:
The second period may have been devoid of goals and big saves or hits, but it may have been one of the most entertaining second periods in the Garden this season. The game opened up and featured nice passing and end to end action. Trippy.
The waiving of Dan Fritsche (1-3-4) is no suprise. How can a team be a defensive juggernaut without adding that 7th defenseman? Is Fritsche really the winner and Prucha still the loser in this move?

Some Like It Blue blog:
Fritsche Freed, Prucha Still Imprisoned --
And since Fritsche has been waived, make it whereas other PLAYER doesn't.

Congrats, Dan. You've broken free. You have a chance. If only someone will rescue you from the doldrums of New York hockey...

Petr, on the otherhand, has been reassured by Renney that he will not be waived.

Natural Hat Trick:
"Why Won't You Release Me". . . ? --
He might be too proud or too good a person to say so. But I'm sure Petr Prucha has got to be close to saying what I'm saying right now:

*I'm begging you for mercy.
Why won't you release me?*
The 'begging for mercy' part might become the new tagline here.


  1. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I'll admit it, I'm a huge Petr Prucha fan. The kid has skill and heart, and even though I'd love to see him play every game as a Ranger, I would rather he be traded and get a shot with a team that will appreciate his talent.

    I'd love it if the Garden chanted "We Want Prucha..." the next time Voros was in the line up over Prucha. I don't like Voros, I don't get his game. If he's in the game he needs to hit people and play physical. Create turnovers and get in front of the net (not just on the PP) draw penalties (not take penalties). We have a player already who does that... Prucha.

  2. While Voros might be a nice guy, I also do not like his game. It's like getting a face scrub. It gets the blood boiling, but does nothing for the soul.

    Who is Prucha's agent? He should be making a big stink: play him or waive him.

  3. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Loved the game at the Igloo last night - not.

    Time to fire Slats and hire Messier. This team needs some fire and passion.
