
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Yes. We are a 2-1 Hockey Team

The coach clueless philosophy of defense at all costs was in full bloom at the Coliseum last night as the Rangers and Lundqvist hung on for a 2-1 win over the hapless Islanders. Only thing, last night the Islanders looked less hapless than the Rangers who were saved by Lundqvist and quite a bit of luck. The Rangers scored two goals in less than two minutes by Drury and Dawes and did nothing after that. Two goals against the worst team in the NHL. Two goals against a team that has given up the second most goals in the NHL. Two goals against a team playing their third string goalie, after their second string goalie got hurt after 5 minutes into the game. Two goals. Think about that.

Strong defensive effort you say. Holding the Islanders to one goal is no big deal. They have scored the third fewest goals in the Eastern Conference and rank 25th in the entire NHL. The Islanders outshot the Rangers 34-29. If not for Lundqvist, the goal posts and some fortunate bounces they could have won the game 5-2. They outhit the Rangers 35-23 and their hits were much more effective than the Rangers. Heck, the Rockettes can out hit the Rangers.

After the game coach clueless mumbled something about puck management and some other mumbo jumbo, and looking at the video today. To see what? To see what he has wrought with this offensively challenged team that must depend on its goalie every night to be competitive. How bad is it? There was Sam and Joe talking and marveling over Nikolai Zherdev's defense. Defense? The guy who was to be a potential 40 goal scorer is lauded for his defense. This keeps up they will be comparing Zherdev to Jan Erixon instead of Alex Kovalev. But that is what happens when the main philosophy is, "Not playing defense is not an option."


Kotsy makes Ryan Callahan his skater MVP.

Chris Kotsopoulos / Kotsy's Korner:
Never a Dull Moment, Rangers Win 2-1 --
My observations of this game are the Rangers never get away easy. It's almost like they enjoy these close games... or is it they realize they can't and never will be an offensive juggernaut? I think it's the latter. Physically, they were out of it, which is common - but I really didn't like the way Tim Jackman was running around without any repercussions. You can't allow that to happen and someone should have let him know.

I will also continue to hammer this point... Ryan Callahan, pound for pound, dollar for dollar, has been the most consistent Ranger all season. In fact, if I had a vote - he would be my MVP of the skaters on this team. Obviously, the King would be the overall MVP... but Callahan would be a close second in that race as well. I really don't see any argument here....
Tony at the Dark Ranger also observes that Renney the "Prophet of Puck Scoring Parsimony" is intent on delivering the meager goods in his gospel:
Moreover, coach Renney's observation that the Rangers are a 2-1 team is becoming gospel...
No one was very excited by this win.
The Brooklyn Hockey Guy:
We saw tonight that even the worst team in the league can outplay the Rangers for an extended period of time when they stop backchecking, forechecking, and pressuring the puck...
Least of all the Hockey Rodent:
If you think I'm negative now, you ain't heard half the expletives which accompanied each pelting of the TV with The World's Most Famous Foam Masonry.

Did we stink?

Not quite. However, the final score is the only thing pushing the needle mint side of ADG's poo...


  1. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Besides the usual terrible performances of Gomez and Drury, can someone tell what Orr is doing suited up? Jackman was hitting everything on the ice and Sam and Joe were commenting on what a smart player Orr is....we need him to be smart like we need Nik Z to win the Selke.

  2. anonymous-Everything is ass backwards with this brain dead coach.

  3. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Back Asswards is correct!!

    Even though I cringe a lot with recent Ranger events I still can't wait to see the retirement of Adam Graves #9. He was never my favorite player but back in the day he was a great player. I submitted a good photo for his mosaic today. You can still submit stuff too:

  4. anonymous-I've had the pleasure of meeting Adam at the Ranger clinic for youth that my grandson attends. He is a real class individual and the kids love him. He is one solid individual. My favorite number 9 was Andy Bathgate who also will have his number raised.

  5. Anonymous1:07 PM

    "I had no desire to leave my team, but it didn't work out" - Brendan Shanahan

    So... #14 is now once again, officially, a New Jersey Devil. I blame Sather, and Sather alone for this fiasco. What a farce. The team obviously needs leadership. And grittiness. A veteran voice in the locker room. A physical presence to clog the lane on the power play. All things that Brendan Shanahan earned my love and respect by doing.

    Sather pays a washed-up Markus Naslund $8 million, signs Wade Redden for six years ,fills the roster with overpaid guys who could skate into the corner with an egg in their pocket and come out with the egg uncracked... and has the gall to cite "cap issues," when Shanny would have upped for 1 yr. at less than half-a-mil pro-rated???

    Sather is the Robert Mugabe of local ice hockey. And letting him go to a division rival??! This WILL come back to haunt us. Probably in the post-season.

    I'm disgusted and flabbergasted. Oh well at least I guess I can go back to hating Shanahan now....

  6. Ramblin'Pete-Playoffs? Boy are you an optimist.

    There's an old Italian saying. "The fish stinks from the head." So look at MSG. The Absentee Owner, The Stealth GM and coach clueless, the most inept trio since The Three Stooges.

    Why hate Shanahan? The guy is all class.

  7. Another thumbs down on the dysfunctional duo of Sather/Renney:

    Bleacher Report:
    New York Rangers: Contenders or Pretenders? --

    Glen (I'm living off the past) Sather...

    Our general manager should have retired after winning the cups in Edmonton.

    Does anybody remember when he said, “If I was GM in New York with all their money, I’d win the cup every year.”

    That hasn’t happened.

    That’s my take on the Rangers so far this year. Things can get better, but the team would have to eat a lot of money by getting rid of players.

    In the infamous words of our general manager, “Piss off kid!”

  8. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Nah, I don't hate Shanny...
    He was great for us. The guy has a lot of heart.

    I just meant that I used to root against him, as a villain, when he played for the Devils (and other teams.)

    And I agree wholeheartedly with your ongoing assessment of the "three stooges."
