
Tuesday, December 01, 2009

The Lonely Lone Ranger

Kato, Green Hornet, Batman, Robin
The Lone Ranger has Tonto. Batman has Robin. The Green Hornet has Kato. Poor Marian Gaborik, he is all alone. No Tonto, no Robin, no Kato and now no Henrik Lundqvist. In another display of poor hockey the Rangers fell again to Pittsburgh and once more were victimized by a hat trick from Mike Rupp. Mike Rupp? Crosby? Yes. Malkin? Yes. But Mike Rupp? However, Rupp had help. Michal Rozsival turned what should have been a nothing play into the game winning goal as he kept backing up toward Lundqvist. Of course, Lundqvist didn't help by fanning on it. It was one of three soft goals that Lundqvist gave up. But Rozsival will continue to get his 20 plus minutes of ice time. Tortorella couldn't wait to send Sanguinetti back to the minors.

But this is what the Rangers are coming to. A mistake prone team that can't play 60 minutes of hockey. I'm tired of hearing how we stayed close to them and caught a bad break. Bad teams get bad breaks. Good teams get the bounces and the breaks. We are a one man team right now and it is impossible for Gaborik to score enough goals to make the Rangers a winning team. The Rangers have no goal scorers, save Gaborik, no defense, no grit, the goalie is starting to go south and they lack leadership, especially in the coaching area. Add the mismanagement of the team by the Stealth and you have the perscription for a disaster that is currently taking place. A shakeup is looming.

The good news. Baseball practice starts in February.

ICINGS: Sources are telling The Ranger Pundit, that GM Glen Sather, who is apparently feeling some heat from the Dolan's, is looking to make some moves to improve the floundering Rangers. Sources tell me the most recent chatter has the popular NY native, Chris Higgins, headed to Anaheim for Todd Marchant and a defenseman.

Last night the Rangers honored Brian Leetch and Wayne Gretsky. When their names were called the Penguins, led by their leader, Sydney Crosby, tapped their sticks on the ice as a sign of respect. The Rangers, collectively, sat on their duffs during the procedures.


  1. It's sad that Chris Higgins has been a total bust, 2g, 5a, -10, in 26 out of 27 games. A terrible start and I think we all had such high hopes for this hometown, LI guy. I don't know now much you can blame Sather for blowing this one. What else can you do when guys just don't pan out, but move'em?

  2. I didn't even notice that the Rangers were sitting. Wow. I wish I could say I am surprised, but we have known for far too long that they have no respect for the jerseys they wear or the legacy they are sullying ...

    I kinda figured Prospal to be Gabby's Tonto, no?

  3. Wes-I think The Stealth gets a pass on Higgins. He just 'ain't' clicking.

  4. Scotty Hockey-Prospel is getting more than he is giving.

  5. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Wayne GretSky???? Let me guess...he is also known as the Grate One???

    Are your serious??? Could this site be serious with spelling like that?

    This is my first and last time on this site.

    GretSky???? Unreal!

  6. Anonymous11:29 PM

    We're really gonna miss you Anonymous.

    It's tough to know which Anonymous I'm slagging though.
    Try using a name the next time you grace the presence of a board nice enough to let you post.

    And study up on punctuation and the proper use of.

