
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Olli Cannoli!

Olli Jokinen has had a somewhat baffling career. During a three year period, 2005-2008, he scored 111 goals for the Florida Panthers. However his short tour with the Calgary Flames was nothing to write home about. In his brief stay with the Rangers he is been okay until last night when he hit the jackpot. Scoring his biggest goal in three years Jokinen put the dagger into the hearts of the Penguins and their fans with a dramatic OT game winning goal, 1:02 into overtime. It was his third as a Ranger and his 13th overall.

The win snapped a ten game losing streak at Mellon Arena. It also was the Rangers first win against the Pens this year. It was a tough, gutsy win for the Rangers as they played short two players. Gaborik left after logging just 4:20 and Del Zotto who was accidently cut by Malkin's skate was done at 2:30 of the first period.

Lundqvist was his usual self, giving up two goals to Crosby, and nothing else as he made 25 saves. Crosby has now scored 17 goals in 17 games. 17 goals. That's a career for most Rangers. But the big story was Jokinen. He could be the other guy to back up Gaborik. He is only 31 years old and could be the other scorer. Could be. But let's not get carried away, it's early. I still don't think the Rangers will make the playoffs, but maybe next year with Gaborik and Jokinen we could be competitive again.

ICINGS: The Rangers picked up another enforcer when they traded for Jody Shelley of the Sharks. His claim to fame is that he decked Colton Orr. So now we have two enforcers. Too bad he wasn't here to go after Matt Cooke who continued to throw punches at Chris Drury after he was on the ice. Classless. When Rozsival pulled Cooke off of Drury, he received a ten minute misconduct. At least he reacted.


  1. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Seeing the Rangers play a game like that makes you realize how pitiful their motivation has been for most of their losing streak.

  2. Anonymous3:12 PM

    I guess the first period was just a warmup, cause they certainly did not look like they knew the game had started. Lucky they got out of it only down 1-0, so thanks again Henrik.

    Drury looked alive last night. Rozsival took a good penalty when he went after Mr. Cheapshot Matt Cooke. That was nice to see, even with the terrible cost of being down to four defenceman. (sure hope MDZ has a speedy recovery).

    Hopefully we see more effort like the last two periods. It's awfully sweet to see them beat the sucky Penguins in their own rink. It was also very nice to not see the zebrae buying Malkin's many charades.

    I am left wondering whether Dubinsky suffers any kind of fallout for what he said about Crosby. I almost fell down when he said that, looking into the camera with a straight face and complete sincerity.
    Very funny stuff.

    I don't think they will make the playoffs either, but no point in not cheering them on. What will be will be. Who knows what Sather is cooking up behind that cloud of smoke.

  3. Anonymous-You have to wonder what goes on in those over inflated egos.

  4. blow-me-down-Blood is thicker than water. No matter how bad they are we continue to cheer them on. I'm proof of that.
