
Friday, September 03, 2010

Rangers Roundup - Sept. 3, 2010

Things that caught our eye.

Sean Avery is looking to find his groove and prove he still belongs.
Avery putting disappointing season behind him --
Sticking with his philosophy of letting last season go, Avery wasn't in the mood Thursday to talk about what was missing from his game last season.

"Lots," is all he would say.

Was it a matter of consistency?

"That's your job as a pro to find that consistent level on an individual basis," Avery said.

Avery went through several long stretches last season without registering a point, but he doesn't care too much about that, or the fact that he finished with only 31 points, because he is not a self-proclaimed stat man. Those 31 points fell only eight shy of his career high...
The Hockey Rodent scrutinizes the hanky panky going on with the CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement) and comes to some interesting conclusions.

For those of you who are impatient, here's the conclusion of today's rant: The NHLPA will gladly allow The League to modify the current CBA in exchange of gaining approval for all the long-term deals being scrutinized. To understand how I arrive at this position, you're going to have to read every last column-inch that I'm paid for...

So what's the bottom line?

At 5:01 PM Friday, both Kovalchuk and Hossa will become unrestricted free agents.

That means both will be signed by Glen Sather by 5:02 PM.

How can I be so sure?

I read it in The Post

Tom Renney's doppelgänger, "niceguytom" on Twitter, still carries a grudge against Slats, and has these summer notes:
I'm already making a care package for Khabs...

My daughter told me she wants an arbitration regarding her allowance. LULz!...

been busy with my new responsibilities, doing some handshake-cross-training...
Seeing niceguytom's Slats player card reminds us of why one of Sather's nicknames was "Tomato Face."
Our friend the Dark Ranger likes the toughness he sees on this year's team. Here! Here! But still has worries.

Dark Ranger:
In addition to "The Boogeyman" the Rangers have kept Brandon Prust and rabble-rouser Sean Avery will continue to agitate everyone in the NHL, providing Coach Torts allows him to do his thing. Regardless, opponents will not enjoy playing against the Rangers this season. I like that.

The elephant in the room is the absence of a Marc Staal contract...
Scotty Hockey shows off the 85th Anniversary Logo:

Happy Labor Day!

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