
Monday, November 15, 2010

Kids Day At The Garden

It was kids day at the Garden and it was hard to fathom who had more fun, the kids in the stands or the kids on the ice. For a while the kids from Edmonton were looking good and took a one goal lead as Ranger goalie Marty Biron fanned on Shawn Horcoff's rising shot. However, it seems that the Oilers never subscribed to coach clueless's sacred mantra, "Not playing defense is not an option." The Rangers led 5-2 going into the third period. Then all hell broke loose.

In the space of 2:08 the Rangers scored three goals to break the game open. The Pundit missed all that as he had to make a pit stop, but did hear the crowd and the song. However, the big fun started about a minute or two before the scoring as it became fight night at the Garden. It was probably the best boxing card the Garden has had since the days of Ali-Frazer. The main event was Avery-Smid with conflicting stories about who suckered whom. After it was over there seemed to be more players ejected than still in the game. Matt Gilroy wound up playing a forward position in the final minutes.

Marian Gaborik returning to form, had a hat trick plus an assist, Frolov had a pair of goals and a pair of assists and Eric Christensen had three assists. Marty Biron made 19 saves in picking up his third win. He also had the best seat in the house while Prust and Zack Stortini were duking it out. It was crazy. As the great Bill Chadwick would say, "It was boys being boys."

What it did for the kids in the stands, I don't know. The reaction seemed mixed where I sat as quite a few parents were concerned about the violence going on before their eyes. I've been to boxing matches where the crowds were more subdued than yesterdays crowd. "I went to the fights and a hockey game broke out."

ICINGS: There were stirring renditions of the Canadien and US National Anthems performed by Steve Murphy and his daughter Madelyn. They were outstanding receiving a huge ovation from the fans. Of course the jerks who love to interrupt the anthem with lets go Ranger chants contined their rude outbursts. It would be nice if the PA system would address this prior to the anthems.
Ladislav Smid vs Sean Avery, 3pd 11:18 -- the catalyst...
Sean Avery -- 73.4%
Ladislav Smid -- 15.2%
Draw -- 11.4%
average rating 4.0, 158 votes
Zack Stortini vs Brandon Prust, 3pd 11:18 --
Zack Stortini -- 47.1%
Draw -- 30.0%
Brandon Prust -- 22.9%
avg. rating of 5.2 / 70 votes
Theo Peckham vs Brian Boyle, 3pd 11:18 --
Draw -- 60.0%
Brian Boyle -- 33.3%
Theo Peckham -- 6.7%
avg. rating 3.7 / 30 votes
Steve MacIntyre vs Derek Boogaard, Nov 14, 2010 3pd 02:28
Derek Boogaard -- 95.6%
Draw -- 2.9%
Steve MacIntyre -- 1.5%
avg. rating of 6.9 / 136 votes
Steve MacIntyre vs Derek Boogaard, Nov 14, 2010 3pd 08:46 --
Draw -- 44.9%
Steve MacIntyre -- 38.0%
Derek Boogaard -- 17.1%
avg. rating of 5.2 / 158 votes


  1. Ah Pundit, I knew there would be a time when we disagreed. I don't feel the LGR chant during the anthem is disrespectful whatsoever. The best part of this country is the freedom of speech and if people want to cheer their team mid-anthem, I feel it is quite alright. It isn't being negative, it isn't berating the country, it is being proud of your team, your building and your fellow fans.

    The only rude chants were the dozen or so Potvin Sucks that were entirely out of place during a game against Edmonton (and St. Louis, and most everyone we play).

    And for all of those concerned parents, did a single one get up and leave? I didn't think so.

  2. Scoty Hockey-No one agrees with the concept of free speech more than I but when a great rendition or any rendition for that matter of our Anthem their should be respect. I've sat next to the group with the largest chant and trust me most of them are drunks.

    Couldn't agree with you more on the Potvin chants but that will never end. maybe a joint campaign by the two of us might help, though I doubt it.

    They didn't leave but they might think twice before coming back again.
