
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rangers, Coach Implode

First Dan Giradi with a questionable boarding penalty. Then it was Brian Boyle with a no question delay of game. Then Vinnie Lecavalier, with his 15th, a 5-3 power play goal and basically the game was over. That is it was over until the press conference when an irate, disagreeable coach sat there glaring at the press, daring them to ask a question he would refuse to answer.

He was irate over the call on Girardi. You know what. It's a farce. You get p'd off against the refs and meanwhile you coach a BS game. You get a power play point specialist and you start the first power play with five forwards. And you blame the refs for the loss. You get one shot on goal on the first three power play plays and you blame the refs for the loss.

You score one goal in the game and it was disputed, and you blame the refs for the loss. You dole out ice time like a First Sargent giving out weekend passes to tired GI's, and you blame the refs for the loss. You manage, from the goodness of your heart, to give all of 4:14 of ice time to Sean Avery, and he still manages to get three hits. You give all of 10:47 of ice time to Brandon Prust who scores the only goal for the Rangers, shorthanded.

We are making noise about a playoff spot. Why? If Lundqvist doesn't stand on his head we are doomed. We scored six against the Caps the other night. Is that our quota for this week? Just once, I would like a reporter with enough guts to tell this blowhard what a stiff coach he is. Just once.


  1. Dan Stryker9:50 PM

    Once again the Avery-Newbury-Prust lines job is to warm the bench... Something is wrong with this coach or something is in these guys contracts about playing time...
    We'll be lucky if we get the 8th seed...

  2. This coach may be a good motivator, but he sucks as a manager of a game. He consistently gets out coached.

  3. Better we don't make the playoffs. Better we get a new coach. Much better if we could get a new GM.

    Chances are none of those things will happen and we will go on with the same samo. We are doomed!

  4. Hey Mike, just wanted to say thank you to YOU! Thank you for consistently calling it the way it is instead of the way some of these other cronies and some fans see it. And Wes, right on! Torts' game management sucks, he makes no in-game adjustments, his chateau bow-wow is slowly taking on the look of a 2 car-garage extension. A Stanley Cup ring in a coaching career riddled with assistant and PP coaching jobs does not make you the teflon don in stripes where you are above reproach.

  5. jmaz-When a coach becomes bigger than the team and he becomes the story every night then it is time for said coach to have the class to leave.

    But alas, this coach has no class and his mantra is to throw players, refs, reporters, anyone under the bus to cover his faults.

    Thanks for the comments.
