
Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Uncanny Similarities Between John Tortorella And Muammar Qaddafi

John Tortorella and the younger Muammar Qaddafi (K-daffy) share a slight resemblance. Qaddafi reportedly had plastic surgery in the 1990's (click to enlarge)

If you think about it there are many similarities between our Rangers head coach, John Tortorella, and Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi. Now, of course one is worse than the other: one is a murdering tinpot tyrant, the other just a tyrannical and disagreeable coach with a god complex. But if you take a look closer, you’ll see that there’s a few eerie similarities between the two.

  • Both have attempted to grow facial hair in order to prove their manliness and look more fierce
  • After years ensconced in a mediocre 8th-9th place team / dictatorial third-world country that everyone knew was terrible, is finally being called to account for their bizarre actions
  • Will brook no perfidious or scurrilous words against him / complete and utter obedience
  • Only doing what is best for the team / only doing what is best for the country, as they destroy it.
  • Both refuse to believe that their time on top will come to an end, declaring - Torts: “failure is not an option” / “Muammar is not a president to leave his post.”
  • Both are willing to sacrifice anyone for the good of the regime
  • Both hold fiery press conferences
  • When finally confronted with his malfeasances, dispatches a series of rambling, disjointed communiques, each one crazier than the last
help provided courtesy MovieLine


  1. Steve C1:40 PM

    Really a very poor comparison. I might like Tortorella that mucbut I would never compare him to a lowlife like mommar!

  2. The intro put the comparison in perspective: "of course one is worse than the other: one is a murdering tinpot tyrant, the other just a tyrannical and disagreeable coach with a god complex."

    I thought the tongue was somewhat in cheek, but apparently I guess not for everyone. What's a mucbut?

  3. Anonymous8:55 PM

    I'll take it one level further. Show me a picture of the two together at the same time. You know what that means. I rest my case.

    It's time the (shocking) truth came out.

  4. Two men united by their love for themselves.

  5. (Two men united by their love for themselves.)
    you're absolutely right!
