
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Avery Cleared of L.A. Charges

Sean Avery was right when he said, I'm all right, I'm good, and it'll all work out at some point, regarding his run-in with the LAPD at his house party. All charges following his arrest in Los Angeles on August 5th, following a party at his home, have been dropped., the LA gossipmonger, who first made the unsubstantiated report that Avery taunted the police, did some fast backtracking today.

NHL Badass Sean Avery Off the Hook In Police Battery Case --
But according to law enforcement sources, a further investigation revealed that no officer was ever actually pushed.

We're told the officer who made the battery report did so after his foot was caught in Avery's front door -- and multiple witnesses have corroborated the story.

According to sources, police don't believe it's appropriate to charge Avery -- and agree the matter would be best handled by an informal meeting with the L.A. City Attorney, who's expected to officially close the case ... without prosecution.
Wow... So the officer got his foot stuck in the door and was not shoved. The truth will set you free. Also, that bogus allegation from TMZ about Avery taunting the police looks like it was pure fiction. Piling on seems to be TMZ's forte. They'll get fifteen yards for unsportsmanlike conduct and that's about it.

Larry Brooks of the NY Post had tried and convicted Avery. He wrote, "But there is no excuse for what happened in Laurel Canyon on Friday night, whether it was criminal or not." So Avery held a house party and a police officer tripped. There is no excuse for that? Thank you lynch mob Larry.

Rangerland also did not paint a pretty picture for Sean a couple of weeks ago. Some said he was living on his 9th life. Some said everything about his future was in question. Some said, the alleged incident was an embarrassment to himself and the Rangers, and the "incident only furthers Avery’s chances of being demoted to the minors." Puck Central for example, speculated that Avery was drunk and that the presumption of innocence has not "been true anywhere for a VERY long time." Yikes.

So, many in Rangerland overreacted and lost their cool and objectivity. Sean Avery was more professional than the "professionals". Today's announcement that the charges have been dropped validates the cool, calm, collected Sean Avery that we have come to love. Viva la Sean.

Regarding the alleged shoving incident and taunting (BS allegation by TMZ) of the police that Sean made, we had put on our journalistic hat here at the RangerPundit and wrote on August 5th:
Of course, TMZ is always one to stir the pot and they sometimes make stuff up. They are the only ones so far reporting the alleged "Fat Little Pigs" taunt. Please remember in this great country a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty. And there are always two sides to every story. The media is famous for convicting people before all the facts are known.
That's exactly what happened. The media and the quick trigger bloggers had Avery convicted and sent up the river (Connecticut River to Hartford).

Sean we never doubted you. By-the-way, can we get an invite to your next party in NYC?

Jesse Spector / Blueshirts Blog - NY Daily News:
Sean Avery will not face charges in L.A. --
Through the team, Avery declined to comment, as did the organization itself.

Although there still is some time left in the off-season, this should cap what has been a very busy summer for Avery, beginning with the opening of his second Manhattan restaurant, a Tribeca bistro called Tiny’s. Avery also spent time publicly and successfully campaigning for gay marriage in New York State. Then, in a tumultuous week of inaccuracy, a Russian interview quoted Alex Frolov as saying his former teammate had used racial slurs on the ice, and the L.A. incident took place. Frolov told the Daily News that he had never said anything of the sort about Avery, and now the LAPD has dropped its case against him.
Note that story where Alex Frolov alleged Avery made racist remarks has also been retracted. Does Avery need a press agent to beat down all the cheap shots?

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