
Friday, September 09, 2011

The Summer Of Discontent

Save for the years of World War II it is very difficult for me to imagine a more difficult and unhappy time than the summer of 2011. We have had it all and it made me wonder if The Big Guy was getting a little impatient with this very human and fragile world.

We have had devastating tornadoes that have ripped peoples lives apart, destroyed their homes and in some cases have seen cities demolished. Killer floods have roared through the Plains, the Midwest and now are threatening whole cities in the Northeast. Hurricanes have drenched the East Coast and the Gulf coast and the season is just starting. We have had droughts in the Southwest and out of control fires in California and Texas. Just yesterday we had a power blackout affecting California, Arizona and parts of Mexico. Let us not forget the great earthquake in Japan.

In the Mideast, country after country are in revolt against despotic leaders, but who knows what the future leaders will be. Saints or worse sinners?

We have the worst economic conditions in this country since the Great Depression. Not to be outdone Europe seems to be on the verge of collapse as country after country has had serious financial issues. The excesses of the past have caught up with us all. As they say, the bonds are due. Will this summer ever fade?

Then there is an airplane crash in some faraway place called Yaroslavi, about 150 miles from Moscow, another airplane crash. Then you read the names and they are familar names: Brad McCrimmon, Alexander Galimov (critical condition), Karel Rachunek, Josef Vasicek, Pavol Demitra, Alexander Karpovtsev. They are sons, brothers, husbands, fathers and very human beings. The tragedies have come full cycle and for us hockey fans they have hit home.

Of course this is not new. 2011 has not been kind to the sports world and to hockey. It is a reminder that we have sports as a diversion to keep our minds off the more serious stuff. However, if we do not pay attention to the serious stuff, it will soon engulf us and we may not be able to enjoy our diversions.

In the meantime, pray for the poor souls who have gone to hopefully a better place. The earthquake victims, the flood and tornado victims, the drought and out of control fire victims and a special prayer for the plane crash victims with a special prayer for Alexander Galimov that he may survive.

God bless you all.



  1. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Add in the 10 year anniversary of 9-11 and it's been a somber summer.
