
Friday, January 13, 2012

Rangers Blanked

The Rangers met a team even hotter than them and the inevitable happened. They lost. However, it's how they lost. They were never in this game and coach disagreeable playing musical lines from the second period on didn't help the situation. He praised the grinders and bashed the top lines. Yet, Rupp got 6:54, Mitchell 7:09, Prust 9:44 and the big guys, Gabby 18:26, Richards 15:39, Stepan 18:56, Callahan 18:34, Fedotenko 17:47, Wolski 14:50 and get this one, Boyle 19:56. It was as useless a 19:56 as I have seen. I guess Boyle is now a top liner. And Avery sits in Hartford waiting to be rescued by the Chicago Blackhawks.

So are the grinders now the top guys and the top guys now the grinders? Get it right coach. BTW, could we please get a sub in for the coach's press conferences when the Rangers lose. I'm tired of seeing tight jaws, snarls and one word answers when we lose. Is disagreeable the reincarnation of Richard Nixon?

The Rangers poured 34 shots at Craig Anderson, and Dryden, oops Anderson stopped them all. We make light of these 'no name goalies' who regularly stone us but let's face it, shut down Gaborik and Richards and we are done. Meanwhile Ottawa has built a nice team and if the goaltending holds up they will be a strong contender for the Cup.

Meanwhile our heroes head north to 'the friendly confines' of Toronto, which we haven't beaten this year in two shots, and The House Of Horrors in Montreal where a Ranger win is treated like an unusual event something akin to Christmas in July. But to keep yourself from getting bored see if you can keep track of how many different line changes the coach makes. Scotty Hockey is the only guy I know who keeps track of these things. Oh to be young.

Meanwhile we implore the Stealth to wake from his slumber, cash his retirement check, and set Sean Avery free.


  1. Boyle is boil on the body of this team. Lance him.

  2. Brian Boyle: 41 games, 2 goals, 7 assists, 9 points, 74 shots on goal, 2.7% shooting percentage, just 1 assist in the last 7 games.

    Sean Avery: 15 games, 3 goals, 15 shots on goal, 20% shooting %, with a tiny fraction of Boyle's minutes.

    Torts: "We have better players on this team than Sean Avery."

    And you have some who are much worse.
