
Monday, January 16, 2012

What Did You Expect?

The usual lines rang out last night after the usual loss in Montreal. Do you realize that in the history of the NHL the Rangers have won less than one game a year in Montreal? "We had no structure." "We lose ourselves here." "Don't seem able to play the way we want to play." They don't understand. It's Montreal. We always lose at Montreal. It's in the genes.

Of course it doesn't help when you have a genius coach who thinks that guys like Rupp, 10:26, minus 2; Wolski, 6:20, minus 3; and Newbury, 6:19, minus 3, all on the same line no less, are better players than Sean Avery. I thought that the coaches job was to put the best team on ice not his own personal agenda. And if the coach and his protector, The Stealth, don't want Sean at least they should have the decency to make him available to a team who would want him. BTW, where is the Players Union in this squabble?

The game was a disaster. All the ghosts of the great Canadien team pasts come back to haunt the Rangers every time they visit Montreal. All the ghosts of the worse Ranger teams of the past also make their appearance. Its a match made in Montreal heaven.

So the season and the Rangers move on. The Stealth has to come out of his cocoon and ask the questions. "Is this the best possible team we can put on the ice?" "Can any one of the afore mentioned trio skate faster than Avery?" Can anyone of the afore mentioned trio forecheck better than Avery?" "Can any one of the afore mentioned trio ignite a spark to pick up the team better than Avery?" These are hockey and team related problems, not personal vendetta causes. The Rangers have a potential for a great season. Don't ruin it by playing minor leaguers while a player who could help sits in limbo.

Stealth. Let Avery go!


  1. According to Tortorella, we have a very cohesive club, Avery is poison in a clubhouse, just look about comments from past teammates- the further he is from NY the better!!

  2. So if the put Avery on re entry waiver its to get rid of him for good right?I hope not!

  3. Jen94002:20 PM

    I was thinking of you last night Mike. I read your post on the house of horrors before the game and I actually had to chuckle a few times during the game thinking back at it! Chuckle in the sense of the old saying if you don't laugh you'll cry of course.
    How did you like disagreeable 's very public humiliation of Stu Bickel last night? Poor kid makes a couple of mistakes an WHAM! Belittle the guy then nail him to the bench so he has no chance of redeeming himself. Wonder if the kid dresses tomorrow or if he will have let the tirade ring in his ears while Jeff Woywitka plays. (I think i spelled that correct lol).
    Of course I agree on all the Avery points no one point more than the end of the article FREE SEAN AVERY! Poor guy has taken enough abuse.

  4. rons17-What was cohesive about last night? The excessive linechanges which happen every night are really cohesive. eh?

    The beating down of players and excessive benchings, like Anisimov, eh?

    According to Tortorella? Its like quoting Fidel Castro about freedom.

    Past teammates? Has anyone put his name to a quote.

  5. BeaverCB18-I hope not either, but its better than rotting in Hartford.

  6. Jen9400-Its an easy pick when the Rangers are playing at Montreal.

    His idea of coaching is humiliation, right out of the Mike Keenan school. Look at his record at Tampa Bay.

    I feel it is in the best interest of Avery to move on especially with this coach at the helm.
