
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cally Rally

Ryan Callahan showed up big last night scoring the 100th goal of his blooming Ranger career to give the Blueshirts a big 3-2 win in OT over the surging Sabres who are making a desperate run for a playoff birth. Marian Gaborik had tied the game with his team leading 29th of the year. The other so called biggies, Richards, Dubinsky and Boyle basically slept their way through the game. Trade bait anyone?

The Rangers cannot give a total team effort. While much is made of the outstanding defense, let's face it, Henrik Lundqvist is 90% of the Ranger defense. The win maintained the Rangers seven point lead and the one point brought Buffalo closer to 8th place. These three point games make everybody a playoff contender. So while you have a weak league you have a bunched up race where everyone looks like a contender. "I coulda been a contender."

Naturally all the news revolves around tomorrow's trade deadline. Also unless traded, Sean Avery seems doomed to a life on the bench at Hartford no less. This conspiracy started by coach disagreeable and abetted by The Stealth and the coaches in Hartford is unconscionable. Where is the players union in this? Where is the blame stream media in this? A player is being denied of a chance to ply his trade and no one speaks up. However, don't expect an uproar of sorts. Sean Avery is an easy mark and no one will champion his cause.

The Rangers are a lifeless, faceless team save for Henrik Lundqvist. Avery brings life, grit, talent and character something very lacking in this team especially behind the bench. Wake up Stealth and do the right thing. Free Avery. Let him go.



  1. Mike-Another great piece. I feel the same way...I am constantly posting and talking to people about this really disgusting Avery situation and they look at me like "we're in first place, who cares"? Or, my favorite, "Avery had it coming". Yeah, cause he's lucifer and all..

    Whether you are a fan of his or not, he is a professional athlete that has been denied his career because of two or three men. Period. There should be a players grievance Sean can file or something like that, like you said Mike.

    I'll I can imagine is a minor league deal to columbus so that when they call him up they're guaranteed him (they have the highest waiver priority). Fingers crossed...because these games are getting harder and harder to watch while Sean sits in Hartford.


  2. I agree with both of you. Avery is getting a raw deal. And Rupp is getting a free pass based on his past reputation. The Rangers are wasting a valuable asset in Hartford, unbelievable.

  3. Daniel6:19 PM

    Did we watch the same game? Richards played excellent hockey and led the team in SOG. His line dominated play for lengths of the game. Sometimes I feel you're just a lil' grumpy towards Torts and his game philosophy. Avery isn't the kind of player who tips the scale. This is a first place team in the conference who got there by a gritty and concerted effort. Not too shabby if you ask me.

  4. Andy-One thing about Sean Avery. You either love him or hate him. No in between.

  5. Wes-Maybe they are saving him for a big trade today.

  6. Daniel-Yeah, Richards has become a real dominant player. He ranks 79th in the NHL in points scored making in excess of $7 mil.

    Yes the team is in first place and you are right. Its due to their grit and scrappiness. However, you left out a big ingredient. Henrik Lundqvist.

    Yes, I'm a big Avery supporter. When you like and believe in a player you support him through the bad and the good. We have too many fans and coaches too who only support players when they are up. With this coach if you are not up you are out.

    So enjoy this run, as I have too, believe it or not and lets see if we have enough gas left to make a big run in the playoffs. certainly the coach has enough gas for all of us.

  7. Round of applause for Mr. Sather today...Always knew you were a stupid asshole, Glen, but I never really knew you would treat your players like they were non-existent.

    When the chains are cut, Sean, I know you'll land on your feet and it will be the rangers shame to bare.

    True colors are coming out more and more from this organization as the year progresses and boy are they dark as hell
