
Friday, January 25, 2013

Win One, Lose One

In Buck Privates, Lou Costello, learning how to shoot "craps" from Bud Abott, says, "Oh, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose." So that is how it looks with our Blueshirts these days, only the sometimes you lose seem to be more frequent. I know the season just started, but there are disturbing patterns that are not going the Rangers way.

The Rangers have a slew of very good offensive players, Nash, Gaborik, Richards, Callahan and Pyatt. But they have no offense. Does that make sense? Last night they mustered all of 19 shots against a team that had lost three straight and were struggling in net. Nash got two shots. Gaborik one, and Richards zero. Considering they all got over twenty minutes of ice time, with Nash topping out at 24:54, that was not very productive or good. Callahan led the pack with 4 shots and added 5 hits. Pyatt had one shot and it was a goal, his third in four games.

While the Rangers out hit the Flyers 25-21, it was the Flyers who outblocked the Rangers 20-15. Nine Rangers got more than 20 minutes of ice time and five got less than 10 minutes. How is that for balance? The lame stream media keeps writing that the Rangers have no depth. How can they when half the team gets minimal ice time. It was boring watching the same lines come out every other shift and to change things up the top six players played musical chairs with all different line combinations.

But we have no offense. We have no idea of any offensive patterns. We have a defensive first coach. Make a mistake and you are punished. Oh wait. Certain players make a mistake and they are punished. Kreider, who was a sensation in the playoffs, took a penalty the other night and basically sat for the remainder of the game. He sat on the bench last night. That's how it goes under the reins of the most offensive defensive coach of the Rangers.

But four games does not a season make and like Lou told Bud, "Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose."


  1. Jen94008:57 PM

    Well you know pundit disagreeable has no choice but to run 2 lines, as he said he can't "trust" the third and fourth lines. After 3 games? If your not going to trust them in game 3 how on earth will you trust them in games 23, 43 or in the playoffs? And once again as I always say that does NOT build confidence. Kreider would have never gotten the time he had in the playoffs if he didn't start scoring because you know how risky it is to play someone who hasn't gone through "the process" - and he was scoring because he was the only fresh body we had. Everyone else was gassed. Now Kreider who averaged -what would you say about 3 minutes a night- through 3 games is benched and under the threat of being shipped back to CT. All the puppets out there are all saying oh yeah he's not ready, send him back. We have nobody to fill in for him. We got AHL Bickel playing forward which is a total waste because gets a minute and a half of ice time. I'm always hearing about how wonderful this coach is with the kids so lets see it. Why doesn't he keep Kreider here and work with him up here if he's so wonderful? What's so great about him with the kids? He benches them, tells them he can't trust them, kills their confidence then sends them to the AHL and basically says send him back to me when he's ready. What's so great about that? Any moron can do that. Then his comment on Gaborik were classic disagreeable making sh*t up as he goes along. I love how he said Gaby has come a long way because he was a perimeter player when he first got here - yeah because we all know how much Gaby love to play along the boards, right? I seem to recall coach criticizing Gaby in the playoff because he doesn't play well on the walls. The Boards/walls are still the perimeter, right? Then in the same quote he goes on to say that he bets Gaby scores 80% of his goals from 5-7 feet from the net. OK. That's NOT the perimeter - that's the slot. He just says whatever and has no clue what he's talking about. Then he contradicts himself again by putting Gaby on the point at the end of the game when we had an extra "attacker" (a term I use loosely) - uh, ok if the guy scores 80% of his goals from 5-7 feet out then why are you positioning him 60 feet out? He calls a time out with a minute left on a Flyers icing so that mini me Sully can draw up another one of his failed plans with a man advantage. There is just no end to this man's stupidity and I'm sick of him.

  2. Jen-Why don't you tell ua what you really think of coach disagreeable.
