
Sunday, February 03, 2013

Maaarty, The Good Guy

It's a chant usually said in derision at the guy with the red shirt on or Fatso, as my friend once called him. Had we been at MSG we might have heard it, the chant.  Chances are, if we were at MSG, he wouldn't have started. But we were on the road and we were coming off a debacle, and the King looked a little tired, so why not? Making his second appearance of the year, and his first start Martin Biron was brilliant.

Biron gave up the first goal of the game and the last goal of the game to the same guy, Steven Stamkos, His sixth and seventh of the season. In between he gave up nothing making thirty saves and bringing some sanity to this early season madness. Tampa Bay had a five game winning streak going. The Lightning had not scored fewer than three goals in a game this season. In fact they have scored more than five goals on five different occasions. They have scored 39 goals in 8 games. So this was no bum of the month club that Marty Biron was facing.

He brought law and order so the rest of his minions could reestablish themselves as a hockey team. On a scrum in front of the net, Derek Stepan scored his first goal of the year, tying the game. Then came the offensive play of the night. It was the Rick Nash show with Rick torching Tampa Bay defenseman Victor Hedman, putting the puck past a startled Mathieu Garon, to put the Blueshirts up 2-1. Carl Hagelin's first of the year, off a beautiful pass by Taylor Pyatt closed out the Rangers scoring.

Pyatt, had two assists, and the line of Stepan, Hagelin and Pyatt was outstanding and got almost as much ice time as the trio of Richards, Gaborik and Nash. For a while it looked like a tag team wrestling match with the two lines alternating every other shift. Rupp, Bickel and Ferriero should have paid top dollar for their bench seats, considering how little ice time they got. But this also presents a problem which is a discussion for another time.

The Rangers now face two fan interested games. At the Devils, Tuesday and at home against the surprising Islanders on Thursday. We will see one Maaarty on Tuesday, will we see the other Maaarty, the good guy, in one of these games? I hope so.


  1. Biron looked amazing. I think he has used all the time off very wisely and it showed last night. That's a tough team to stymie, even coming off a back to back, but the good Marty did it.

    It's funny, when you have 3 lines rolling instead of 1 or 2 your team suddenly looks sharp, energetic, and dare i say even a little talented. But, as we all know and as pundit mentioned, 3 lines won't cut it for the long haul. I have no answer for that 4th line besides Krieder being healthy and Ferrerio getting more ice time. Rupp and Bickel...well, did the game miss them any? Did the rangers?

    Taylor Pyatt is the man. He's the closest we'll get to a replacement of Prusty (who had a great fight against steve ott yesterday, go figure) and has great offensive skills. Him and Marty are my stars of the week for NYR. Here's to hoping this team shows up Tuesday

  2. This Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde act that the Rangers are playing these days is infuriating. As Dr. Jekyll they neatly dissected the Bolts, but hideous Mr. Hyde skated out to face Pittsburgh. Who will show up for NJ?

    I do like Pyatt, more size and scoring than Prust.

    Marty is the Rangers secret weapon. I'd play him again as soon as possible.

    You have to think a 4th line will be needed at some point, but the way its going, they won't be in shape to much good. Does Torts think that in a short season he won't need them?

  3. I agree JB, it is infuriating. Some way, somehow they've got to gain consistency. Maybe this call up of Mashinter and Miller will help with the additions of Palmieri and Powe to get 4 lines fully rolling.


    The rangers went through all that BS with Avery because Rupp was 'the man'. Year and a half later he gave us: staged fights in which he lost 90% of the time, and 4 goals and an assist. 4 goals and an assist. In a season and a half. Wow. Avery had 3 goals and 4 or 5 meaningful fights in his 15 game swan song last year. Nuts, eh?

  4. Jen94006:47 PM


    Andy- So funny- when I found out about the trade, I tweeted these exact words:

    See ya Rupp! Don't let the door hit ya in your useless ass on the way out! #LetsGoRangers

    Then I come on here to comment and I see your post.... hahahahahaha!!!

    Last year Coach played him up as if he were an invaluable asset to the team, as soon as Avery was gone Rupp's value seemed to go waaaaay down and then suddenly this season he couldn't be trusted with more than 2 minutes a night of ice time. So he's gone. His useful life fulfilled. I never liked Rupp and words cannot express how happy I am to see him go. Powe was once a Flyer and according to a huge Flyers fan Jeanine talks to on twitter we are going to love him. He said he kills penalties like a boss which is something we need in a player since our PK lost Feds and Prust and Dubi. I also heard that Powe was a big shot blocker so that should make someone we all know and loathe very happy. I don't know anything about Palmieri but Jeanine heard he was a young guy who is expected to go to the minors. Calling up Miller and Mashinter are good moves because we really do need to find some depth now. Coach went ape over Ferriero. He seemed to love the guy, affectionately called him the "little sh*t, used him in a few situations, gave him decent ice time, then sends him packing after only a few games. The guy is such a head case.

    JB- I am also very curious about which Rangers we will see on Tuesday night. I hear ya on that.

  5. Jen-Haha that's awesome! I couldn't think of a better way to send my goodbye greetings to the guy..

    I love the trade. Very smart move and I think we certainly got the better of Minny on this one. Powe
    is so much more versatile, like you said he's been great on the PK in his career and I think Palmeiri could surprise people if he's given a fair chance (unlikely of course). Very good trade indeed IMO.

    The demotion of Ferriero is just further proof of how knee jerk and shallow coach is. What do you expect out of a quick, somewhat skilled player that is stuck with Rupp and Bickel?! It'd be difficult for Richards to do anything if those were his wingers! Ah well, no surprise. Hopefully Mashinter, Miller, Kreider, Powe and Palmieri can combine to make this a better hockey club

  6. Jen94002:37 PM

    I'm looking forward to seeing tonight's game. I just hope that doesn't mean Mr. Hyde is destined to show up lol!
