
Thursday, April 04, 2013

New Rangers Rout Pens!

I guess the three new guys, Ryane Clowe, Derik Brassard and John Moore didn't get the memo or worse yet didn't get the one-on-one finger pointing meeting with the disagreeable one. Didn't they know they were brought in to muck it up, go into the corners and most of all block shots? Didn't they hear the coach, prior to the Jets game declare that the biggest change from last year is that we are blocking fewer shots?

So what did these three castoffs do? They combined for four goals, four assists and only blocked one shot and Clowe had that. Only one blocked shot? Terrible. Disagreeable was forced to comment that, "Throws coaching right out the window, huh?" Would you please join and go also. The crowd was also stunned. These weren't our type of guys. When even Brian Boyle scored a goal. What's happening here? We just got rid of a 40 goal scorer and here we have three new guys coming in and scoring GOALS.

But we all know why they digressed from the plan. They just got here. They haven't been Tortorellaized yet. They have this stupid idea they learned when they first laced up skates that the whole idea of hockey was to put the puck in the net. They watched guys like Richard, Gretzky and Hot Rod Gilbert and said the name of the game was score goals. Then along came guys like Jacque Lamaire, Tom Renney and coach disagreeable and they invented traps and blocked shots and defense, first, last and utmost. So these three guys don't know any better, but they'll learn.

Meanwhile enjoy the turnaround while it lasts. Hopefully there are not too many practice days left to get the points across and go back to blocking shots.. Next game against the Pens should be interesting. Maybe Henrik Lundqvist will score a goal.

G Per Time  Str Team Goal Scorer   Assist         Assist   
1 1   10:01 PP  NYR  B.RICHARDS(6) D.BRASSARD(12) D.GIRARDI(11)
2 1   12:19 EV  NYR  R.MCDONAGH(3) B.RICHARDS(15) R.CLOWE(12)
3 1   14:19 EV  NYR  R.CLOWE(1)    D.STEPAN(16)
4 2    1:53 PP  NYR  D.BRASSARD(8) B.BOYLE(2)     D.GIRARDI(12) 
5 2    2:27 EV  PIT  P.DUPUIS(18)  R.BORTUZZO(2)  B.MORROW(6)
6 2   11:52 PP  NYR  R.CLOWE(2)    D.BRASSARD(13) B.RICHARDS(16)
7 3    9:47 EV  NYR  J.MOORE(1)    B.BOYLE(3)     D.BRASSARD(14)


  1. Jen940010:57 AM

    Well said Pundit. Its all true. So the new guys got here ten minutes before warm up and coach said he shook their hands and said go have fun. Talk about misrepresenting yourself. Just wait until they find out just how much fun they are about to have. Truth is that may have been the best the Rangers looked as a team this season. All the goals with the exception of Boyle came from the new additions and its no surprise. Where else can we get offense from? We have to insert players who have not been playing for this coach in order to generate it. Over time these guys will go stale. It was quite impressive though. I've never seen anything like that which makes sense since I found out today that it was the first time in Rangers history that 3 new players make a debut in one game and they all score. But honestly, I wish i could have enjoyed it more than I did. I was so sad last night and even though it was nice to see a season high of 6 goals and 3 PP goals I was just so disheartened. I'm sick of watching the players get mistreated by this guy and thrown out on their ear when their play suffers for it. Now we have to start the process all over again because this is enough new blood to save the coaches job and new blood is the only way to keep a guy like this behind the bench so I guess management doesn't mind having a revolving door installed for the players as long as they can keep their master. James Dolan was at the game last night. he was spotted by the media in the Rangers dressing room after the game shaking the hands of the new players. They even managed to get a camera shot of Glen Sather last night. Clearly the rare presence of the owner is a message of some sort. When you see one of your biggest investments get kicked to the curb because of a slump I guess it perks you up a little. Who knew?
    Someone I feel bad for is Zuccarello. This performance from the new players provides Torts with the perfect reason to replace Gaby as his whipping boy with another one of his favorites, Zuccarello. I wonder how long it will take before he's riding the pine. The other day he got a surprising 18 mins bc coach was desperate, last night he got a more normal 14 mins but the other guys scored, so I say that he gets somewhere around 10 minutes in the next game and 5 in the game after that. Unless he decides to dress the untrustworthy rookie JT Miller, who was sent down only to qualify to play in the AHL playoffs and called back again. We will see.
    On the Pens side of things, they didn't show up and Fleury was ridiculous. Terrible choice by Bylsma to leave him in. I would have pulled him after the second goal. You could see he was all over the place. But apparently Vokoun was no better the night before so I guess they should have tried to land one of those goalies at the deadline. It will be interesting to see what they do in the playoffs. After that crazy fisrt round against Philly last year I learned to try not to guess about them lol!

  2. Pens played horrible, horrible hockey and they were tired from a back to back. Fleury played probably the worst game of his career. Not buying this one...

    And, hey Brassard, you may be a star someday, you might not. You played well last night. But you've made a major mistake my friend: #16 belongs to one ranger and only one ranger: Sean Avery. Switch your f'n # kid.. ;)

  3. Jen94005:32 PM

    LOL yeah seeing someone take #16 adds insult to injury for Jeanine and I too. Its strange to see it. The team is so different from last season.

    Not sure if that was even Fleury's worst game. he is so hot and cold. The one thing I can say about the Rangers is at least we always seem to have great goalies. So lucky to have the King. I just hope he wins someday.
