
Friday, April 26, 2013


They made it. They say that sometimes its better to be lucky than good.  The Rangers were headed for defeat and a must win game against the Devils on Saturday when lady luck intervened. Down 3-2 and less than three minutes to go Brad Richards let one go from the blue line, off the boards behind the Carolina net and off the right skate of Carolina goalie Dan Ellis into the net to tie the score. Then Captain Crunch, Ryan Callahan, took over in OT and the Rangers were on their way to the playoffs.

Maybe it wouldn't have mattered anyway as the Jets lost to Montreal and got eliminated. So now the Rangers are in a three way tie for 6th, 7th and 8th with the Senators and Islanders, all with 54 points. The Senators have two games left and the Rangers and Isles one each. It doesn't matter the final positions as this tourney is wide open. Unless Sidney Crosby returns and is in mid-season form all eight teams have a shot at the Eastern Conference. You could make a case for any team.

The case for the Rangers, pure and simple, is Henrik Lundqvist. He is the top money goalie in the NHL. Sure, the Rangers have offensive weapons but they are not used correctly and besides the team mantra is defense, block shots and some more defense. They have a terrible game coach but the team has true grit which overcomes the deficiencies, sometimes. A lot of players have been overused and this could take a toll in the playoffs which can be gruelling.

But right now the first objective has been accomplished, the Rangers are in the playoffs. Let's worry about that other stuff tomorrow.

ICINGS:The Blue Jackets beat Dallas last night and are tied with Minnesota for the final spot. Columbus has one game left, at home, against Nashville. Minnesota is at home against Edmonton and the last game is at Colorado.


  1. Anybody want to make predictions?
    We are playing the damn Caps again. I hate them, I hate Ovi, I hate their fans, I hate that siren when they score....this sucks. I honestly have no idea who will win this series. It really can go either way, our deficiencies sort of even out their deficiencies. They have Ovi, we have Henrik, they have a great pp, we have better pk. obviously they have better coaching. Caps have been hot, hot hot, we have played with more confidence lately. I'd pick the Caps but I never underestimate King Henrik. We shall see...
    Meanwhile, let's predict teams we are not emotionally invested in...

    Pitts v Islanders Pens in 6
    Islanders are hot, hard work and a pain the you know where. I'll give them 2
    Mon v Ott Montreal in 7
    Ottawa's goal tending plus getting healthier could pose a problem for Montreal but I think they will fall short.
    Bos v Tor Toronto in 6
    I think the Leafs are tough this year and the Bruins are struggling
    Chicago v Minn Chicago in 4
    Ducks v Detroit Ducks in 6
    Van v SJ Sharks in 5
    St L v Kings Kings in 5

  2. Jeanine, I would agree with all your picks, except I think St. Louis beats the Kings in 6 or 7. I don't think LA is going to play like they did last year.

  3. Anybody find it strange how Torts keeps bringing up his relationship with Gaborik whenever he is asked about the players we acquired at the deadline? Again today he was asked about the rangers improved record since the deadline trade and this is how he responds: "Yeah the deadline guys changed the team a little. I know you guys are going to turn it around and say I didn't like Gaborik but it wasn't that way... so don't give me any shit about our relationship"
    Charming, no?
    He who does protest too much...
    Now we have all these people talking about how wonderful he is for turning the subject around to him so he can absorb the spotlight and take it off of his players so they don't have the added pressure of the media at playoff time. It's sickening. You think this guy does anything that's selfless? Please. He has to be the constant center of attention year round. It has nothing to do with protecting the players and everything to with the fact that he is an ego maniac. Oh yes and that he is also insane.

  4. Jen94003:58 PM

    Yeah its strange but that's how this guy rolls. I think a lot of people are turned off (not only players) by him and he is trying to make himself look good. His act is so old. He is so good at it though. People really do fall for it. They truly and honestly believe he is "protecting" players from the big bad media when all he is doing is controlling what he wants everyone to think. He is truly a control freak, egomaniac as Jeanine put it. Its really no wonder he hated Sean so much. Sean could gather all of the attention of media and everyone else just by simply being present and that clashes with this guys little head game. As Andy reported Dubi told him that Torts "has his own agenda" and that is the best way to put it for sure. The media didn't make an issue of his failed relationship with Gaborik, he did. As a matter of fact, the media sweeps his failures under the rug, starting first and foremost with his relationship issues. No one had to tell me or anyone who comments/blogs here that Torts didn't like Gaby. It was obvious by the way he treated him and by the way he talked down to him, the same way he does with all of the players who don't make it to the list of favorites. Once you've opened your eyes to it, you can't not see it. For example, how did I know so early on that Torts was playing his game with Gaby setting him up to fail this season? How did I predict that Gaby was the next to go even before the trade rumors began? And this guy is going to try and play the Jedi mind trick? Please. But as evidenced by many of the comments in the comment sections on NYR blogs, much like in the movie, the Jedi mind trick works on the majority. the weak minded fools. Proud to say that isn't us. So Torts can pour as much kool aid as he wants, he'll never get me to drink it lol!

    My 1st round:
    Pitt over NYI in 5
    Montreal over Ott in 6 - this was a tough one
    NYR over WSH in 7 - can't go against them
    Toronto over Boston in 5 - I have been saying that whoever gets Boston will win so I'm sticking with it and Boston is such a mess I boldly picked 5 games!
    Chicago over Minn in 5 games. I didn't pick any sweeps this year but if I were to pick one this might have to be where I put it.
    Detroit over Ducks in 7! BOLD I know but I like to pick an upset and I think with the work ethic, goaltending and outstanding coaching of the Wings they are a strong pick for the upset. I watched the Jackets play them and beat them with all of those attributes a couple of weeks ago and I had a thought that if they played them in the playoffs they could upset them. Wings aren't too much different than Jackets so I'm going for it. this is my upset!
    Sharks over Vancouver in 6
    Kings over St. Louis in 7 - Most people are feeling like JB and picking the Blues. Its going to be tough and hard fought but I'm thinking like my sis and going with the Kings. I think they have a slight edge.

  5. Torts is total moron once again on this Gaborik BS. Like Jeanine said torts' tries to play off the fact that he is a pure asshole by creating this nonsense with his comments. Even when the reporters don't ask about the trade he starts talking about how much better and deeper they are as a team since the trade. If you say that a lot when you don't need to of course the media is going to ask! Pure idiot that "coach" is.

    My picks:
    St Louis in 7
    San Jose in 6
    Detroit in 6
    Chicago in 5
    Toronto in 7
    Montreal in 7
    Rangers in 7

    Go Rangers!!
