
Saturday, April 20, 2013


First of all our prayers go to the victims of the Boston horror which looks like it has reached a successful conclusion. Also our prayers to the victims of the fertilizer plant explosion in Texas. Finally, our prayers for the people of China on being hit with a 6.6 earthquake. We are very fortunate as number two daughter left China yesterday after a week of business. The world is getting smaller and every disaster seems to bring it closer to home. God Bless this crazy world.

The game was going just as I figured it would. Two tough veteran goalies, Ryan Miller and Henrik Lundqvist dueling it out. And then, OMG, all hell broke loose. The shutout duel ended at 18:42 of the first, with three quick first period goals. The second period opened with two more goals in the opening 1:40. When it was over the Rangers, aided and abetted by the Sabres, had scored five goals in 2:58 of playing time.

When it was over these were some of the notable and not so notable events.

The Sabres were eliminated from the playoffs.

The Rangers have a two point lead over the Jets for 8th place and are one point behind the 7th place Islanders. The Islanders are at the Jets tonight and all three teams have four games left.

The last time the Rangers scored 8 goals was back on Nov. 14, 2010 against the Oilers.

All three goalies, Lunqvist, Miller and Enroth gave up four goals each.

Brad Richards had a hat trick for the first time in his career, 896 games.

Thirteen Ranger players, including Lundqvist, had at least a point.

Three Sabre players, Adam Purdy, Christian Ehrhoff and Ryan Miller, should have gotten assists on the first three Ranger goals.

I could go on all morning but I have more important things to attend to. To say the least the game was weird. I really thought that after the first period the coach had gone home or to a bar. How else to describe the game?  It was like we proscribed it: "Let the kids play." And play they did. The Rangers have now scored 14 goals in two games and I don't care who they are playing, bottom feeders or real contenders, 14 goals is a lot of goals. So let's keep this up and forget the blocked shots and go for the net, the other teams, not ours.

This new 'system' could bring us to new heights. We are two points behind 6th place Ottawa and only three behind 5th place Toronto. Why not? The higher the better. Meanwhile, our JV team in Columbus, is hanging on to a two point lead over Detroit and Dallas. What a series, the Blue Jackets vs the Blueshirts for the Cup. After yesterday anything is possible.

1 comment:

  1. Jen94004:02 PM

    Yes, well said Pundit, its a crazy world and it needs a lot of prayers. Glad to hear your daughter got out of China at the right time. So sad what's happening. This has been a very tough week to say the very least.

    That game was nuts last night. Jeanine and I were huddled together on the couch watching the game on the TV and the coverage of the manhunt for the Marathon bomber on her iPad not believing what were seeing no matter where we looked. The game started out as what we were expecting as well and I was complaining that had it not been for CNN I would have been asleep but than BAM! 5 goals in record time. A Hat Trick for Brad, I don't care how ugly it was, he deserved to have some puck luck. I didn't notice that fact about all 3 goalies giving up 4 goals each, pretty bizarre. 14 goals in two games even if it is against the worst teams in the league is pretty bizarre. The events in the news were pretty bizarre. There's a theme going on here. The Devils just scored 6 goals against the Panthers as well. Last month or so they couldn't score a goal to literally save their lives, outplaying their opponents but losing every game. That was bizarre. Now in a bizarre turn of events even they have scored 9 goals in their last two games. I can't even begin to try and guess how this will turn out. I'm certainly not thinking the Devils will make the playoffs because that would be, well, bizarre but isn't that the theme right now? in any case, we are set up for a really good game tomorrow and since we played them in the playoffs last year I think they fit the coaches definition of a rival but I'm not sure since it was a 6 game series not 7 ha ha ha. But it doesn't matter what that moron thinks, we know who our rivals are. Lets just hope the players agree.
