
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Carolina Swoon

Maybe it was the law of averages, but couldn't they at least put up a fight. I guess the Rangers thought all they had to do was show up, skate around the rink and pick up the two points as they skate into the locker room. What a horrible performance. Lundqvist should sue the team for lack of support, especially the defense. Did you see that last goal by Lindholm? Where were the Rangers?

The Rangers were out shot 35-25, I would ask for a recount. The Rangers got 25 shots? Where? In the local bar before the game? The Canes came in on a 'hot streak'. They were 1-7 the last eight. Their goalie, journeyman Cam Ward, was 6-10-5 with a GAA of 3.21 and an .891 save %. The Rangers had beaten the Canes 10 straight games. Hello!

The Rangers big guns have gone quiet. Rick Nash and Brad Richards have been dormant. We are waiting, ever so patiently for Martin St. Louis to be the point a game man he was at Tampa Bay. The only Ranger goal scorer was Kevin Klein, his first goal was on 12/27/13 for Nashville against Dallas. D-man Stralman, who just turned down 9 mil for three years, was awful. He should run back and steal the money from the Stealth

Now it's on to Minnesota and Winnipeg. Time to regroup. It's also time to get Cam Talbot back. Give Lundqvist a rest and shake up the rest of the team. Defend the goalie, push the puck and forecheck, forecheck, forecheck!

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