
Sunday, May 04, 2014

If It Aint Broke-But It Is!

The Rangers are in the second round of the Eastern Conference playoffs, have taken home ice advantage from the terrible Pens and yet all the blame stream media is intent on talking about is the woeful power play, which is now 3-33 in the playoffs and is threatening last years 4-44 debacle which led to last year's elimination, bad news, and the coaches firing, good news.

In a way I agree with coach AV's approach. Cool and calm. However, it has to be fixed if we are to make a serious run. I have a suggestion. A simple suggestion. After all, haven't my other suggestions been simple and effective, like get rid of the coaches. This one is more positive. We are not getting rid of anyone and its nothing more than a minor adjustment. First of all leave the points to the two sets of defensemen. First pair, Girardi and McDonagh and second pair to Staal and Stralman. One minute each pair, no overload, no tiring and no miscues and giveaways. Now the forwards. Ready. Dominic Moore, Brian Boyle and Benoit Pouliot. Moore is relentless and puts the puck on net from any angle. I still remember in his rookie year scoring a tying goal with seconds left against Tampa Bay, with a back-hander from behind the net off the goalie, into the net. Sounds like a Michael Jordan commercial.

Brian Boyle, he of hands of clay, who would have trouble shooting the puck into an empty ocean, whose sole purpose would be to stay in front of the net, pushing off big defensemen and making a nuisance of himself, ala Sean Avery. Aah, where are you now that we need you? And then the wild card. Pouliot. I say wild card because this talented guy has a penchant for taking some of the dumbest penalties especially when the Rangers are on the power play. However, he is relentless in his pursuit of the puck and has a deadly shot. A big plus is that none of this trio are perimeter players, they are go to the net guys. The backup trio would be Brassard, Carcillo and Zuccarello. OK AV, there is the plan. No fuss, no big deal. Try it. It will work. My other two suggestions worked.

ICINGS: Thrilled Grandpa. At last night's T/Birds awards dinner, Nicholas received the most improved player award. Made it all the way back from his shoulder injury. Skate hard, have fun.

1 comment:

  1. ramblin' pete12:43 PM

    Maybe some fresh legs in the line-up could boost our chances tonight?

    Are there any fresh legs on the roster?
    JT Miller, perhaps, but after that?

    How far away is Kreider from coming back?

    Every one of your observations are spot on, as always...
