
Monday, March 16, 2015

Prince Cam Holds The Fort

I know the coach doesn't like to critique a win, but I think it's time. For the second night in a row the Rangers played an awful, disinterested game. But they won and only because Cam Talbot played his best game of the year making 38 saves. Actually Florida shot 98 pucks at the net, the Rangers blocked 36, a franchise record and the Panthers missed the net 23 times. It was amazing the Rangers even had the puck.

The Rangers did get 34 shots on goal and scored two, one by James Sheppard, his first as a Ranger and the other by Matt Hunwick, his first goal of the year.  It's also amazing how well the new guys are starting to fit in. The Ranger power play continues to struggle, going 0-2 and is 1-21. However, the penalty kill continues to sparkle going 3-3 and is 16-17 in the last five games.

The Rangers are tied with Anaheim for the most points, 95, however the Rangers have three games in hand. In the Metro it's the Rangers over the Islanders by five points and the Rangers have three games in hand. Wednesday the Rangers host the Black Hawks so they better have all hands on deck. I think it's time for the coach to start critiquing the wins. But as my grandson Nicholas keeps saying, "two points is two points."

ICINGS: Condolences and prayers to the Joe Micheletti family on the loss of Joe's sister. Martin St. Louis left the game with about three minutes to play with a knee injury. The injury doesn't appear to be serious and hopefully he will play Wednesday.

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