
Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Can't Score. Can't Win!

The Rangers have a big problem. The more obvious one is that they are in a 1-2 hole playing a team that they haven't had much success on the teams home ice. In the last 15 playoff games at Verizon Center the Rangers have only won 4 times. So much for being an outstanding road team. The main problem is scoring, or the lack there of.

In the eight playoff games this year the Rangers have scored a total of just fifteen goals, not quite two a game. In only two games have they scored as much as three. A 4-3 loss to the Penguins and a 3-2 win over the Caps. Hence, the pressure on Lundqvist to be perfect. Last night he almost was, getting beat on a fluke behind the net shot by Jay Beagle that first hit Yandel's skate and then went in off of Lundqvist's skate. The play was set up when Girardi lost the puck in the defensive zone on an ill advised play. So everyone on the Rangers has to be perfect.

On the other hand the Caps set up a fortress like defense around their goalie Braden Holtby who made thirty saves. The Caps blocked twenty seven shots, rarely left their goalie alone and also crowded Lundqvist every opportunity they had.

The Rangers got Nash to score goals, playoff goals, and he only has one this playoff. Yes, he threw a thunderous check on Cap D-man Brooks Orpik, but we need the goals more than the hits. The Rangers got St. Louis to score points, playoff points, but he continues to overpass and miss wide open nets. The Rangers got Yandle to jump start the power play and that hasn't happened and on defense he seems a step behind.

Maybe a change would help. Put Hunwick in for Yandle. While not an offensive player he is a defensive rock and might help in the offensive zone around the Caps net. The Rangers are in trouble. It's not time to panic but game four is a must win for us to regain home ice advantage again. But we have to score goals. Can't score. Can't win.


  1. I blame this loss of scoring on the loss of Zuccarello. He's the "straw that stirs the drink," which is an old saying that was first used to describe the Yankee's Reggie Jackson.

    I think it applies here. The Rangers drink is not being stirred. Without Zucc I am very worried that his series will not end well.

  2. I have been a NY Rangers fan since watching WORTV chanel 9 hockey on TV. It always seem to be the same thing.... the Rangers simply pass too much and rarely shoot the puck. They wait for the perfect set up shot and it rarely comes. Come on "Shoot the Puck Barry!!!" was an old chant at the Garden. It still rings true. Look at Fast's Goal. The puck was shot on net and it went in off his skate. We need guys to create traffic in front of Holtby and get the shots on net. Get back to basics! LET'S GO RANGERS!!!

  3. It's ironic that the smallest guy on team, Zucc, got injured when he went to the front of the net and got hit in the head.

    Yes, we definitely need some traffic in front of Holtby and need some greasy goals off deflections. Will anyone do that, that's the question?
