
Friday, January 15, 2016

Rangers Slowly Fading

What's that old line? There is no there, there. The Rangers came out with gusto, shot a lot of pucks and missed a lot of shots. In fact they missed a lot of open net as Islander goalie was often out of position but the Ranger radar was missing. So, for the second time in three games the Rangers blew a third period  lead. Last year, a third period lead led to two points. But theses are different times. This is a different team.

The Rangers hit their peak two years ago with their Stanley Cup Finals loss. Last year was the Conference Finals loss. This year they may not make the playoffs. Four points separates them from extinction. Four points. What's the difference?

Difference is the team is older and their have been more injuries. Stepan, Girardi, Kreider and Klein have all had some sort of injuries. Plus a key player, Carl Hagelin is gone because of the cap.. So we got Stoll and he is gone. We got Etam and he is gone. So we basically gave away Hagelin for nothing and a sparkplug is missing.

The coach doesn't help with his lineups. He insisted on playing a hurt Girardi with a healthy McIlrath on the bench. Girardi and the coach lost the game to Washington. Girardi with the giveaways and the coach failing to call a timeout near the end of the game. You think he is saving that timeout for the playoffs?

So the Rangers are floundering and with red hot Philly and scalding Washington coming up on the road the Rangers either should rise to the occasion or go into oblivion. Interesting weekend coming up, stay tuned. Hopefully Lundqvist will be King again but that can't happen if the loyal troops don't protect the King in front of his domain. The Rangers need to fix their radar and start scoring goals.

Of course, this team may not have it in them to rally and a big shakeup may be necessary. I'm not talking about dumping Yandle because he becomes an UFA next year. I'm talking about major shakeup. No one should be exempt, no one. Wake up, GM.

ICINGS: The Pundit had a rough holiday season spending some time in an ER. So have been lax in posting. Will try to be more consistent.
After a stirring 5-0 win that gave them a three point lead for a playoff spot, the T/Birds blew a 4-1 lead and loss 5-4 to drop back into a dog fight for the last playoff spot. 


  1. Happy New Year and good health to you!

  2. Hope you're feeling better Pundit!!
