
Friday, September 02, 2011

Mr. Avery Goes To Washington?

Sean Avery opposes the construction of the Keystone Pipeline that will run from the Canadian tar sands in Alberta to U.S. refineries on the Gulf of Mexico. He has been tweeting about this issue since Monday.

Yesterday, Greg Wyshynski, the Yahoo Puck Daddy, reported that Avery had planned to go to Washington, D.C. and get arrested at the White House. He was doing this in support of the Keystone pipeline protest movement. These environmental protesters say the pipeline threatens forests, water supplies, and will radically worsen global warming.

Actresses Darryl Hannah and Margot Kidder were arrested earlier this week during a protest at the White House. However, it now looks like Mr. Avery will not be going to Washington. 

As a Canadian citizen, you wonder if Avery will need to be careful about how an arrest and conviction, even if symbolic, might effect his status in this country.


The only pipeline we will worry about is the one the Rangers need to build to put more pucks on net. Too many shots from the distant tar sands of the perimeter, that miss the net, will not help this team.


  1. Just noticed this NHL related story about how Canada has rules about foreigners with a drunk driving conviction entering their country.

    Stepfather: Byfuglien has to grow up:

    Minnesota native Dustin Byfuglien was arrested Wednesday night after reportedly being booked on suspicion of boating while intoxicated. Byfuglien rents a home on Lake Minnetonka in the off-season, said Dale Smedsmo, his stepfather. Byfuglien gave the jail an address in Spring Park, a community on a strip of land along County Road 15. "He's got to grow up," Smedsmo said when told of the arrest. Smedsmo, who lives in northern Minnesota and regularly enters Canada, added that a conviction on an alcohol-related charge could complicate Byfuglien's ability to cross into Canada. Jets spokesman Scott Brown said that team officials are aware of Canada's strict laws on allowing drunken-driving violators to enter the country.

  2. Anonymous6:33 PM

    JB - I did not know about that law myself.

    I like Byfuglien, but I often got the idea he was like a big (and I do mean big) kid the way he acted.

    I don't have a link, actually cannot remember if I heard it on TSN or elsewhere, stating casually that he was 40 pounds over his playing weight for last season.
    Surely, he cannot be 40 pounds up, but I guess the point is that he might be having a bit too much fun this summer.

  3. Wikipedia lists DB at 6'5" and 286 pounds so if he's 40 lbs heavy that puts him well over 300. But at his size, 40 lbs could just be a week of pigging out and not working out.

    By the way, my nephew just lost 63lbs. But it took him two months. He went from 280 to 217 by hiking 900 miles on the Appalachian trail.

    He was passed up in New Hampshire by a little lady, who hiked the whole 2180 miles from Maine to Georgia in 46 days. Jennifer Pharr Davis set the record (man or women) for fastest supported hike on the AT. She averaged 47 miles a day.

    Hiking=a sure way to lose weight
